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Grimacing at the cup of water that stared up at him, Draco set said cup back down on the table. The memory of a blood splattered sink and sunflower petal forbidding him to drink - his stomach twisted in nausea at the very thought of drinking. Or eating.

Pansy's brows furrowed in worry when she noticed that the blond was, yet again, pushing away his plate to lie on his arms. The brunette glanced at Blaise, but it appeared that her fellow Slytherin was already staring back at her with the same worry glint in his eyes. Almost like he was reading her mind, he shrugged.

The girl then  sighed and turned back to Draco. “ Draco, you haven't eaten in two days. If you keep up with this you're going to end up in the hospital wing. ”

Draco didn't bother answering and hid his head in his arms. It's not like he could've answered her, reassured her that he was, indeed, alright, anyway. The fluttering against his throat forbade him of that too.

Pansy pursed her lips and glanced at the faint red stain that painted his fingertips. “ Draco, are you okay? You know you can tell me when something is wrong, right? ”

Draco forced himself to sit up straight, resting his head in his hand as he smiled. The corners of his lips trembled in guilt as he nodded. “ I- I'm okay. I promise. ”

Pansy bit her bottom lip in worry, knowing full well that he was lying. She would just have to wait until he was ready to tell her; at least that's what she thought to herself as she told him again to eat. Even if it was just a bite of toast.

The blond agreed reluctantly, feeling a pull from somewhere across the great hall.

Green met silver, just like it had done for the last seven years. However, Draco couldn't get himself to return the cold glare he immediately received from Harry. Instead, he swallowed down another shredded bouquet.

The Slytherin ducked his eyes back down to his plate. Allowing the fluttering feeling in his throat to jumble together while the voices around him turned into nothing but a string of meaningless sentences. It was all replaced by the unsettling echoes of his slowing, heavy, deep, breaths.

“ Yeah, I love you too ” a disembodied voice said, wholeheartedly, a few moments later. That was enough for his lungs to force out another unwanted petal.

Lillies had always been his favourite.

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