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Sitting in the potions classroom along with the other seventh year Gryffindors, Pansy couldn't help but glance between Draco and Harry. How did she not realize sooner?

Harry was scribbling something on another piece of parchment - obviously not taking notes - just as Draco flinched. Pansy's brows furrowed in worry as she watched him fiddle with his collar once again. Upon meeting Hermione's gaze, she noticed that she looked the same.

It was strange to see a Gryffindor - especially one apart of the Golden Trio - worrying about a Slytherin.

“ Miss Parkinson ” Proffesor Slughorn grinned from behind a cauldron of steam. “ Could you tell me what this particular potion is? ”

The girl swallowed and shook her head. “ No, Proffesor. Sorry... ”

Slughorn sighed. “ Very well, Miss Granger? ”

“ It's Amortentia, sir ” Hermione answers, hesitantly glancing at Draco as she said, “ It's one of the most powerful love potions in the wizarding world - when prepared correctly, it smells like what, who, you're most attracted to. ”

Slughorn nodded enthusiastically. “ Correct. Five points to Gryffindor. Amortentia is indeed the most powerful love potion to exi... ” His voice droned out as Draco stared at the empty parchment in front of him.

He didn't need to wonder or guess what - who - his potion would smell like, and by the looks of it, Pansy and Hermione didn't either.

Why did he have to be so bloody oblivious?

“ Hermione ” Harry called out after class, running after the girl with burning curiosity. “ Are you alright? You seemed a little off during the lesson. ”

Ron scowled as he approached. “ Yeah, not to mention you kept glancing at Malfoy.

Hermione ducked her head down. It's true that she hadn't exactly been discreet about her concern towards the Slytherin, but she didn't expect Harry and Ron to pick up on it so soon. Had she been too careless?

What if they got the wrong idea?

“ Ignore him ” Harry rolled his eyes, ignoring the glare he had gotten in response from his red haired friend. “ 'mione, if you need someone to talk to, you know we're here, right? ”

She sighed. “ I know, Harry, but I'm afraid there's nothing you could do. ”

“ What do you mean? ”

She smiled, clutching the books in her trembling hands as she replied, “ exactly what I said. ”

Why did he have to be so bloody oblivious?

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