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The soft fabric of the hospital bed sheets rubbing against his fingertips were the first thing that Draco had completely registered; following shortly afterwards was the distraught voices from somewhere between the black void that had been his only sight for who knows how long.

The sun beat down on his face, causing his eyes to twitch and his skin to feel some form of comfort from the faint heat. Somewhere in the distance, Draco could hear two distraught voices - they were laced with something similar to serenity.

Slowly, he opened his eyes. Allowing them to adjust from the bright light that suddenly seemed to engulf him - almost as if it was welcoming him back with a hug after being stuck in the dark so long.

Now, Draco wasn't stupid. He wasn't going to pretend that he didn't remember what had happened and how he had gotten to here - despite the slight confusion as to how exactly he was still awake. He remembered everything. He remembered the excruciating pain his lungs received at the attempts of breathing; the feeling of thorns cutting his insides and petals blooming between every crack.

He took a rasping breath, causing gasps to emit from the two nameless figures seated on the bed next to his.


"You're awake!"

"Thank Merlin..."

"Pansy, go get Madam Promfrey!"

"Don't just sit there, Potter, get him a glass of water!"

Draco would laugh (yes, laugh) at their sudden outburst if it weren't for the clawing feeling of dryness in his throat. A glass of water was handed to him, and he was more than eager to swallow it down. The bed shifted slightly and Draco finally took the time to take in his surroundings.

Hermione and Pansy were seated across from him on the hospital bed next to him - a small smile itched onto both their features. Seated in front of him, however, was none other than Harry Potter. Draco's eyes widened.

"P-potter?" He stuttered out; his throat suddenly dry again as he watched the Gryffindor's green eyes light up. "What... Are you doing here?" He questioned and looked at Pansy. "What is he doing here?"

"Always so dramatic" she muttered with a roll of her eyes. "Let's just say that the last couple of days have been... Eventful."

Draco caught himself mid-nod; a horrible realisation falling onto him. "Days?" He asked, looking at the three figures in hopes of them suddenly breaking out in laughter. Surely, he couldn't have been out that long? "How long was I-"

"-relax, Dray-" Pansy shushed softly. Her motherly voice now clearly displayed as the two Gryffindors shared a glance.

"-How long?" The blond asked again; his eyes dark and his shoulders tense. His hands were shaking as he cradled the half empty glass.

"Two weeks..."

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