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In case anyone is confused, the war never happened and all the traumatic shit is skipped = they all got to graduate happily without Voldy Mouldy ruining it for anyone.

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The candlelight hues casted silhouettes to dance across the walls of the Great Hall - the sight almost as mesmerising as the scene creating them.

Seventh years, now officially graduates and no longer students attending Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, were dressed in lavish dresses, suits and robes - exited chatter mixing with the steady beat of the band playing a song at the podium.

"Can you believe it?" Harry whispered, almost shocked as he stared into the pooling grey eyes of Draco Malfoy. "I actually graduated and got one year without almost dying."

"Speak for yourself" Draco scoffed. The two boys smiled in amusement, silence falling between them as the music slowed to a stop. Harry didn't seem to care less as his hands stayed firm on Draco's hips.

Thanks to the incident - yes, that's what they decided to call what happened - Draco was now shorter than Harry by at least two and a half inches. This, of course, had been pointed out by the cocky Gryffindor many times before. Neither - Draco - seemed to mind tonight, though. Instead the blond dropped his head in the Gryffindor's shoulder and fiddled with a loose string peaking out from the boy's blazer.

Harry was dressed in a black Muggle suit - a white shirt hidden beneath a black vest and blazer to match. His converse, of course, not looking to shabby in comparison to the black pants that matched the blazer. A red tie matched with Draco's; despite the many protests the blond had given. His hair, still the usual bird's nest. What did you expect, this is Harry Potter?

Draco, craving to do something completely cheesy, wore a matching suit - instead of black, though, his white suit fitted nicely over his lean figure. Dress shoes polished to perfection and not a single strand of hair out of place.

They both decided pinning a rose to match with their ties was a bit too much, considering everything that had happened.

"I love you" Draco mumbled happily, closing his eyes as their bodies continued to sway slowly from side to side.

Harry smiled, dipping his head down to kiss the boy's tuff of blond hair before resting his chin on it. "I love you too."

From the corner of the Great hall, Hermione and Pansy sat side by side - soft smiles on their faces as they watched the display of affection from their two dearest friends. With Ron long gone dancing with a, smirking, Theodore Nott whispering softly into his ear - a blush setting on the red head's cheeks not soon after - and Blaise trying not to step onto a certain Neville Longbottom's toes somewhere else in the crowd; it was just the two of them left to sit in silence.

"I'm happy for them" Pansy said suddenly, glancing at Hermione.

Hermione l wore a navy blue dress that hugged her every curve just the right way, flowing down her legs like a waterfall while the top formed a sweetheart neckline; a silver diamond hung around her neck like a small teardrop while soft curls flitted over her exposed shoulders. With her looking like royalty, Pansy wasn't the only one stealing glances.

Yet, even with all these student's eyes on her, Hermione didn't even notice. Or, perhaps, she didn't care - considering she turned down every offer for a dance, Pansy concluded that it was most likely the latter.

"Me too" The Gryffindor agreed, fiddling with the rim of her dress.

Before Pansy could say more, a nervous Hufflepuff tapped her shoulder. She turned to him with a small smile - not so clearly annoyed at the intrusion.

"D-do you wanna dance?" He questioned nervously.

Pansy found herself blushing in surprise before looking at Hermione. The Gryffindor rolled her eyes in amusement, figuring that she should let the Slytherin have some fun.

After all, the boy had been staring at Pansy for most of the night.

Then again, who wasn't? The Slytherin was dressed in a dark, almost black, green, lace dress that pooled beautifully at her feet - the top draping around her neck as a makeshift necklace while her back remained exposed.

"Go on, I'll be fine."

"Ok..." She mumbled, standing up and accepting the boy's request.

And so, Hermione was left alone at the table for seven - her smile faltering slightly as she watched Pansy disappear into the crowd. The Slytherin's delicate lace dress flowing behind her like some sort of summer veil.

The Gryffindor's breath suddenly hitched, her throat tightening in protest as something clawed it's way up. She closed her eyes in reflex, hunching over slightly as she grasped for a napkin and cupped her mouth with a shaky hand.

Then, she let out a strangled cough - feeling her chest tighten with a burning, uncomfortable, sensation blooming in her chest. Taking a deep breath, Hermione removed the napkin from her mouth, ready to discard of it immediately; until she noticed a single petal lying amongst a few scattered droplets of red.

She should have asked Pansy out when she had the chance...

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