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“ - Harry! ” Ginny cheered as her footsteps came running towards him. “ Why did you run off? I've been looking for you everywhere. ”

Pansy glanced at Hermione, both their figures stiffing at the sight of the red headed girl. Ginny noticed. “ What's going on? Is that Malfoy? ” She gasped once she finally noticed the still blond. His breaths coming out in soft rasps of pain.

“ You should go ” Pansy said softly, trying her best to stay civil.

“ Leave? ” she scoffed, turning to the other Gryffindor girl. “ Hermione, this is Malfoy! I'm not leaving you or H- ” Ginny tried to reason and shook her head.

“ - It wasn't a request ” Pansy said, her voice now just as cold as it had been to Harry. “ Leave. ”

Ginny's expression darkned. “ Harry, let's go. ”

Harry, however, had no intention of leaving. It was obvious that something had been going on, and he was involved somehow. So, being the Gryffindor he his, he said, “ Ginny, I think you should leave. Hermione, Parkinson and I have something to discuss. I'll see you later, yeah? ”

The girl huffed in annoyance; not at all pleased with how this conversation had turned out. “ Fine ” a bright smile then took over her freckled features. “ But at least drink something. You haven't even had any breakfast yet ” she reached for her robe pocket and handed him a gold coloured canteen.

Hermione pursed her lips, a sickening feeling of intuition settling in the pit of her stomach. She glanced towards Pansy, only to see that she was muttering something to Draco's unconscious figure. The Slytherin didn't seem to care that he probably couldn't hear her.

Hermione then looked back at Harry and Ginny. The boy sighed and, reluctantly, took the canteen as she bid goodbye.

“ Harry, are you sure you're alright? ” she then asked, wanting to return to their previous conversation. “ Why don't you just ask Madam Promfrey for a potion or something? ”

Harry shook his head, unscrewing the lid of the canteen. “ It's just a headache, 'mione. Besides, we have bigger problems right now ” he said, gesturing to the sleeping blond.

Pansy's nose wrinkled in distaste as she caught a whiff of what was in the canteen. It was an all too familiar stench.

Then, her head shot up as realisation hit. “ Potter, don't! ”

Harry had barely lifted the canteen to his lips when Pansy had appeared in front of him and clawed the object out of his hands. “ Parkinson, what the hell!? ” he hissed.

She didn't bother answering and motioned to smell the liquid swooshing inside. Hermione's brows furrowed at the girl's actions. “ Pansy, what's going on? ”

“ This ” she barked shoving the canteen towards Hermione. The Gryffindor fumbled to not drop it immediately. “ This is what's going on. Smell it. ”

Hermione glanced at Harry, arching her brow as he shrugged. Sighing, she brought the canteen closer. A sweet, calming, familiar aroma filled her senses. Her eyes widened. “ Is this- you can't be saying- are you? ”

“ Hermione, English please ” Harry said with slight annoyance. To him, it seemed like everyone was determined to confuse him by giving him nothing but riddles to answer.

Pansy sighed. “ You really are stupid, aren't you? ”

Hermione shot Pansy a warning look. “ Harry, I think Ginny has been giving you a love potion - Amortentia, to be exact. ”

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