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“ Is he going to be alright? ” Pansy asked, watching Hermione pull the curtains close over the hospital bed from across the room. The Gryffindor sighed and wrinkled her nose, clearly fed up with everything around her.

“ He'll be fine. He just needs time to recover ” She replied and began walking over to Pansy, plopping herself in the chair next to Draco's bed. “ The side effects of recovering from Amortentia, without the help of the cure, isn't exactly pleasant. He just needs some time... ”

“ This day can't get any worse ” Hermione then muttered, defeated, and hid her face in her hands. Pansy watched as she pulled at the roots of her unruly hair.

Hermione smiled faintly. “ Don't jinx it. ”

Pansy looked up again; her eyes wide and horrified by Hermione's words. The Gryffindor took a moment to remember that Parkinson was, in fact, a pureblood witch. “ Oh right, sorry, it's a Muggle term... ”

The slytherin pursed her lips and nodded, seeming to relax before looking back at Draco. “ You don't- Do you think that, with the Amortentia leaving Harry's system, Draco might have a chance at recovery? ”

Hermione gazed back at the closed curtains around Harry's bed before looking back at Draco; her heart sinking into doubt. “ I don't know... Perhaps? Honestly, I'm still trying to process the fact that Ginny has been- well... ” she let out a frustrated sigh. “ Why does this always happen? ”

Pansy smirked. “ I'm assuming you don't mean that Potter being dosed with Amortentia is a regular thing, right? ”

The two gave a half-hearted laugh; something seeming to lighten around them as soft, guilty, smiles settled on their lips. Hermione then shook her head. “ No, it isn't a regular thing - I mean, why is it, that when something happens, it's always him? ”

(A/N totally not me imagining Professor McGonagall right now-)

“ Draco's been asking that since first year ” Pansy muttered and rolled her eyes.

Hermione caught herself smiling fondly, glancing at the dark haired girl, for a moment, before looking at the blank expression Draco wore as he slept. Even in this state, he still looked stressed, agitated and like someone who wouldn't even think twice before throwing you off a cliff. He was still Malfoy.

It made her wonder how broken the boy really was.

“ What's Draco like? ” Hermione asked suddenly, causing Pansy to give her a questioning look. The Gryffindor blushed. “ What I mean is, it's clear that he's a different person around you than he is around, well, everyone else. ”

Pansy sighed, not sure how to answer this. Hermione wasn't wrong, Draco was a different person around certain groups, but how do you answer that when you yourself only know part of the story?

“ He's... Calm ” she then answered, staring at Hermione's eyes as they flickered with curiosity. “ Not like the calm that you get from sleeping, but the calm you get when you're spending time with someone you really care about. The kind of calm you get from simply knowing that, no matter what, someone will always be there for you- ” Pansy stopped, realising that she might be making no sense. A soft smile overcame her as she looked back at Draco.

“ What I'm trying to say is, he's been through some things, Hermione. More than he lets on. He doesn't trust anyone because he doesn't know what it is, which is why all I can do is be there for him when he realises that he can trust me - just like I trust him. ”

Hermione glanced between her and the blond, a strange tugging at her chest as she realised that Draco was human too.

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