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"Two weeks?" Draco echoed, his gaze fixed upon Pansy's guilty expression. "Please tell me you're messing with me."

Avoiding the question, Pansy muttered something to Hermione before leaving towards Madam Promfrey's office. Hermione shook her head and looked back at Draco. "I'm afraid she's not. Harry woke up about three days ago-"

"-what happened with Harry?" Draco blurted out, causing the Gryffindor boy to blush in surprise as he looked down at his hands. Draco bit his tongue.

Hermione sighed. "We found out that Ginny has been spiking Harry with Amortentia. The potion was starting to wear off and... Well you're a potions expert, I think you knows what happens when someone is cured of Amortentia naturally."

Draco nodded slowly, hesitating to look at Harry as he muttered. "Does he... Know?"

Hermione sucked in a sharp breath. "I gave him the short version. I thought you'd might want to be the one to tell him considering-"

"- Mr Malfoy" Madam Promfrey's voice cut through the conversation. "Glad to see you're awake. I need to do a few tests before I can send you back to classes, though I would prefer to keep you here a few more days to make sure you're not in any critical condition."

Draco wanted to laugh again. Surely, coughing petals counts as a critical condition? He didn't say any of this out loud though, he wouldn't dare, so instead he opted for an unimpressed hum. Madam Promfrey nodded for the three students to leave, Harry seeming slightly more reluctant than the others...

"Harry, are you sure you're alright?" Hermione asked cautiously while eyeing the black haired boy seated across from her. The entire Great hall had been filled with hushed whispers and stories about what had happened - most of them focusing on Ginny and Harry, the other half focusing on Draco.

"I'm fine, 'mione" Harry smiled warily, feeling uncomfortable with everyone's eyes shifting towards him every now and then. "Just a little drowsy, I guess."

Hermione nodded in understanding, but before she could say anything more about the subject, Ron Weasley plopped down next to Harry. "Harry, I am so sorry about Ginny! I had no idea that she was- I should've seen it coming-"

"-You couldn't have known, Ron" Harry said calmly. "Besides, it wasn't your fault."

"No, but I still feel responsible. She's my sister - I'm supposed to make sure she doesn't do things like this."

"That is not your responsibility" Hermione shook her head in distaste. "You can't be held accountable for her own actions. Besides, I'm sure Dumbledore is dealing with the situation."

Ron sighed, glancing at the professor's table to see that Dumbledore, along with Snape and McGonagall, wasn't anywhere in sight.

"I should go check up on Draco-"

"-But, Harry, you've hardly eaten" Hermione protested, her eyes widening as Harry quickly scarfed down a fork of mash potatoes like he had been raised in a barn.

"Oh right, I almost forgot about what- wait since when do you call him Draco?" Ron questioned with pure curiosity, ignoring the smirks that had suddenly grown on the faces of anyone within earshot.

"Since now? It's not a big deal" Harry shrugged and stood from his seat, hurrying out the Great hall before all the room erupted into loud chatter.

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