{Chapter 14} The Escape.

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Hours have passed and it is now 1:00 am. I fell asleep on the living room couch in the cottage but was woken up by a rough nudge. 

"Kayce, wake up," Aidan's soft voice said "We should pack up our things quietly and write a letter to the rest of your friends" Aidan suggested before we attempted to escape before sunrise. 

I got up and grabbed my backpack from the back closet and filled it with some clothes I brought, snacks, and water from the filtered taps in the public bathrooms. Aidan grabbed his bag and we both sat on the couch and figured out the most appropriate way to tell our friends about our disappearance. 

Dear friends, Aidan and I got a calling from Andrew that we can escape before sunrise because we "passed one of his tests." On our morning walk, Aidan fell through a hole and when I went down to help him, we found a stack of Andrews old letters to a love interest named Eleanor. These letters told us that Wilson was very abusive and the family had money problems. While we were down there the ground began to shake and Aidan got pinned by a root branch. I managed to help him escape which is why his foot was wrapped with my shirt. We did not want to tell you guys this in person because we knew it would spark many questions. We are going to try and reach the other side and help you guys figure out what these "callings" are supposed to mean and get you guys out of here. If we do find safety, we will communicate to you guys through letters that we will leave at the front of the park. We wish you all the best, we are deeply sorry to leave you guys here. 

We agreed that it was best to leave the "true love" calling out of our letter. Just before 6 am, me and Aidan got in his car and slowly drove out of the park. 

"It worked!" I exclaimed as we drove down the main road. "I can't believe Andrew was right" I look over to Aidan and he had a wide grin on his face. "Where to?" He asked "Let's find the closest motel" I respond. 

After 20 minutes of driving, we found a motel located by the lake. We made ourselves comfortable and crashed on the Queen bed to rest as we did not get any sleep the night before. 

I was woken up by a loud banging on the front door. Aidan mumbled, "Who is it?" But there was no response. He got up from the bed to open the door but when he did, there was no one there. He picked up a letter that was left outside of the door that had both of our names on it. 

I'm glad you listened to me. I will keep your friends safe but they need to pass my tests to escape. I can't tell you why but if my father finds out what I'm doing, he will want revenge. Stay far away from items you should not be around. No snooping, just listen. 

"Is it from Andrew?" I ask 

"I suppose" Aidan responds

"Great, it's even following us outside of the park." I laugh in shock 

"We should give this letter to your friends" Aidan suggested, and there we were back on the road towards the park that I so-called "loved" years prior. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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