{Chapter 6} Non-Ending

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We found Isabella dumped in a ditch, covered with mud. She was sitting in fetus position, weeping so loud that I'm pretty sure the others can hear. She was terrified, terrified of what she saw....whatever that was. We didn't ask what happened, Aidan just lifted her up and placed her on the back of the golf cart as we drove to the cottage. When we walked in, the others were all sitting around, nervous looking. The look of relief washed across their faces as we walked through the front door. Than went back to worried as they see Isabella, shaking, covered in mud in Aidan's arms.

"Oh my God is she okay!?" Violet yelled
"She hasn't said anything...let's rinse her off and give her some time" I said.

Violet and I placed her in the tub, whilst the guys filled up buckets with the hose outside (which surprisingly worked) and handed it to us to rinse her off. The hose in the back was our only running water source. 

After the bath Isabella still didn't talk to us. Whatever Wilson is doing to my friends are really scarring them. To the point where they don't feel like speaking for a long while. 

We placed her on the main bed, for her to get some rest. We all sat around trying to decide what we were going to do. Were we going to risk everything and stay? Or were we just going to drop everything and leave? We decided in the morning we were going to leave. Taking all the files with us back home. It took us a while to decide but we thought it would be best. We were going to bring everything back home and continue our research there, we can be safe from here, have running water and better food, as well as the internet to further our investigation. One day we'll come back to figure out this thing once and for all, maybe next week, or in a year's time. All we know is we can't get caught. We stayed here an extra day already, and didn't get caught, it's the day after the weekend where they apparently "don't check" and we haven't seen any other signs of humans coming here. Maybe all that was a lie. Maybe they knew something was up and haven't checked this place since. 

Tuesday morning was our time to leave. We woke up the next morning, packed our bags, and got the hell out of this place...as so we thought.

"Are you guys all ready!?" Brayden shouted from the drivers window in the Jeep, as Violet and Daniel were still on the deck. I sat in the back with Isabella, who was still feeling under the weather as well as Daniel next to me. Violet sat in the passengers seat while Brayden drove. Jacob and Aidan rode in Jacob's silver car. 

We began to drive the cars side by side out of the park, when suddenly both cars wouldn't move. We were so close, right by the entrance gate. The cars were still running but every time Brayden and Jacob tried to press the gas pedal the car wouldn't budge. 

"What the hell?!" Jacob yelled out the window to Brayden 

"Both cars can't be busted!" He yelled back.

We all exited out of the vehicle besides Isabella, she stayed in the car while we all tried to figure this out. We poped up the hood to take a look but we couldn't figure this out. 

"You're not going anywhere" a deep voice from behind us said. We all turned around in fear to see Isabella out of the car and standing there, again no life in her eyes just how Violet looked. 

"Isabella?" I called out gently 

"SHUT UP! AND LISTEN TO ME!" Her voice got louder, this is not her, the voice, the way she's speaking, and they way she's looking at me. Nothing about her is....Isabella. Tears began to form in my eyes, I knew this wasn't her speaking but the raised voice got to me. What are they doing to her I thought. I felt an arm drape across the side of my body, I looked up and saw Aidan pulling me close to him, somewhat like a side hug. I buried my face in the crook of his neck as tears silently poured down my face. 

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