{Chapter 3} Lakes

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We all went silent...we had no words....we had no idea what this meant. 

"Kayce...what does this mean?" Daniel was the first to speak 

"Well I know none of us would do this to her, and there's nobody here, so if I had to guess...I would think the farmer did this to her" I said, I didn't know how this would happen but that was the only logical guess here.

"But h-he's dead" Isabella spoke up and was shaking with fear

"I know" I replied

we waited until Violet woke up which ended up being only 20 minutes later and asked her if she knew anything. She was confused and complained about her arm feeling numb; the one with the mark on it. We explained to her everything that happened from last night up to this morning. She was in shock and it took her about 10 minutes to come back to reality and tell us her side of the story.

"Last night I woke up because I heard a bang coming from the kitchen I got up to see what it was; bad mistake I know haha. Nothing was there so I was walking back to the room when I heard a male's voice call my name from outside. So I went outside, thinking it was either Daniel, Brayden, or Jacob. But it wasn't I can't remember exactly what, or should I say who I saw all I know was that he was tall and wearing mostly black. Then it just went black all I remember after that was hearing Kayce and Daniel yelling my name, when I woke up it was like I was someone else. I wasn't looking out of my eyes, well,  at least not alone. I tried yelling out so you guys could find me but nothing, I made no noise the only thing I did was stand there. In the morning I finally found you guys but it begun again...I couldn't say anything, so I tried to give Daniel a look, a look of help. I know that he knew what I was trying to say. After that, whatever it was took over, I just remember waking up now after all that." 

She told us every little detail, we found this really weird....I was terrified. Was she possessed? What did that man want from her.

We all believed it was the farmer that was trying to get to her somehow, or some weird creepy dude that drugged her (that one was Brayden's idea).

"I think we had enough crazy things happen to us, let's do something fun" I suggested 

"Like what? I mean there isn't much to do here" Isabella said

"well we could go swimming in the lake" Jacob suggested. 

We all agreed to go, of course we did not think of packing a bathing suit so we just swam in our underwear...again Brayden's idea but I mean it's pretty much the same thing. 

We all squished into the golf cart and drove there...I still couldn't believe how this place looked, this place was a mess, there really was no way to describe it.

As soon as we got there the guys did not hesitate, they jumped right in. Isabella and I walked in the lake slowly from the opposite side because I remember the water being as cold as ice. Violet didn't go in, she just sat on the docks because she was a bit frighted to go in, we didn't blame her. Me and Isabella eventually met up with everyone at the docks and just swam around and talked. It was nice, but terrifying I remember trying really hard to not think about the possible things that could happen to us in that moment. It was hard, there was no way I was letting go of what happened last night. 

As I drifted away in thought I swear I felt something touch my leg, but I didn't think to much of it I thought maybe it was just seaweed or a fish. Then I felt it again and let out a little scream.

"Kayce what's wrong" everyone shouted and swam towards me

"I think I um just felt something touch my leg" I told them, I didn't want them to get scared or anything. 

"Oh probably just seaweed" Daniel said, the guys started to swim out a little further and Isabella went out to get a drink of water. That was when it happened, whoever is doing this to us is trying to scare and torture, they waited until no one was around to attack. 

Something yanked my ankle hard, pulling me down deep, to the bottom of the man-made lake, let me tell you that i'm not the strongest swimmer, if something holds me down there is no way I would be able to get out. The water was dark, thick, my lungs felt like they were filling up with nasty water, fish swimming in between my legs distracting me from getting out alive. 

I don't remember much...I only remember my friends screaming out my name, but the shouts got quieter and quieter until I couldn't hear anything...I felt like I couldn't move. I saw some things that terrified me even more and still to this day I don't know if any of that was true or just my imagination. 

After what felt like ages I felt two sets of arms grab me and began to lift me up. I tried to open my eyes but everything was blurry. I did hear the voices of Daniel and Jacob telling each other to swim faster, all I saw was figures holding me, and trying to talk to me after that everything went blank again. 

I woke up once again to the feeling of my body pressed against the warm sand, I regained my eye sight and saw all my friends crowding around me, two seconds later I coughed up plenty of water that filled up my lungs. 

"Thank God you're okay Kayce...we thought we lost you" Jacob responded 

"I'm all good guys" I reassured them and sat up. 

"What happened?" Isabella asked 

I told them that something pulled me down and I know for sure that it wasn't seaweed, I didn't tell them this part but I assume they're going to be reading this so....

Isabella, Jacob, Daniel, Violet, and Brayden I didn't want to tell you this when it happened because you guys didn't need to be more freaked out but I saw something when I was down there. 

I saw a light, I thought it was my time, I thought it was God welcoming me. But no, that quickly changed to a pitch black void and a voice calling my name, not God's voice....an evil voice. Then I saw something behind me that I will never forget, I saw a face, a face of anger, but also sadness. It was a male who looked like he indeed did want to kill me. He was leaning in and began to whisper something to me, but at that exact moment Jacob and Daniel came. I don't know what he wanted to tell me but I sure wanted to know and still do till this day.

All we did after that was drive back, we had enough, we were all at the verge of breaking down. The only memory that lasted with me that night was a large bruise in the shape of a hand on my left ankle (the same side on the body as Violet's scare of '1782' written on her arm). I didn't want to talk about it to anyone, I knew they were going to notice eventually but I really was not in the mood to talk about it.


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