{Chapter 7} Quoting

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There was my best friend, knocked unconscious, laying on the old rusty stage from the performers years back. I ran up the small stairs and found a note taped to Isabella's forehead reading "It's not what you think it is." 

We didn't know what to say or think, Aidan took the note off her head and on the back in very messy, scribbled writing read "And after many a summer dies the swan."  

What was this supposed to mean? Quoting something, which must be really old. I could tell from the choice of words they used. 

"I swear I heard the last quote before...I think I read it somewhere" Aidan said, shocked.

"Really? Is this another one of his clues?" I asked 


"Well let's keep the note, just in case this will help us later on" I suggested, which in fact did. 

"Yeah...it's weird though...it looks like it's written by two different people" I looked at the note again and I think he's right. One side was nice cursive hand writing, the other, messy scribbles.

After about 20 minutes of trying to get Isabella up, we drove her back to the cottage and showed everyone the note. Isabella eventually woke up when we got back. All confused, the last thing she remembered was all of us trying to drive home. 

"Okay we need to figure this out once and for all" Jacob spoke up, and snatched the note from Aidan. We all agreed to split up into groups of two, one with three. 

Jacob and Aidan 

Brayden and Violet 

Me, Isabella, and Daniel 

Jacob and Aidan decided to try and figure out the first part of the note...

"It's not what you think it is?"  Jacob repeated.

"What about...the Quarry?" Aidan thought 

"why there?" 

"Well...no one really knows exactly what happened there...maybe what we think happened 'isn't what we think it is'." Aidan said 

"Okay, let's give it a shot."

Brayden and Violet stayed in the little security hut at the front of the park, where you would show them your pass to get in. They're there mainly for look out, and to also look through more files, maybe find something interesting. 

While Isabella, Daniel, and I figured out the last half of the note. 

"And after many a summer dies the swan."  Isabella said out loud. 

"That's what the note said? I feel disgusted having that on my head" She continued as the three of us laughed.

"Alright...well this is what I think...the only place that has swans is 'Turtle Pond' when I was a kid I saw a swan there, and it was hurt ...not dead though his wing was just a little messed up" I suggested 

"I swear to God if that swan is slaughtered dead when we get there i'm going to cry" Isabella said 

"I mean...I don't think that swan would live 12 more years after I saw it" I laughed 


That's where we were headed...Turtle Pond. 

When we walked down that dodgy looking path leading to the pond, there was a blood trail. We were bracing ourselves for the worst. 

"Just great..." Daniel said looking down at the trail.

We walked to the side of the pond...and there it was...the thing we were bracing ourselves for. A slaughtered swan with another one of his notes on the left wing. 

"That's just wrong..." Daniel gasped 

"Kayce, wanna do the honors?" He asked 

"Of course...i'm the one who has to pick it up." I quickly picked up the note and it read 'you could've saved him...so many summers passed and that swan stayed hurt...with no help. Well my friend you were too late, who's the real monster?' I read it out loud and began to feel guilty, what did I do? 


"Kayce, don't listen to him, this is his plan, he's trying to make you feel like you're behind all this" Isabella said to me reassuringly. 

"I know...but what's the point of this, why is he doing this" I asked 

"well, maybe we unlocked the first part of it, maybe it has something to do with not showing up on time, or regretting not saving someone?" Daniel suggested 

"why would Wilson be saying this?" Isabella asked

"How do we know this is Wilson..." I trailed on. 


They got to the Quarry and barley found anything, after 30 minutes of searching, they decided to climb up the life guard watch bench to take a break. That's where they found a note sitting on the seat. It read 'it's not what you think it is...i'm not the monster, sometimes the people you trust the most... are the monsters.' 

"Whoever's doing this should really think about putting their name on things cause honestly are we just supposed to guess who's 'not the monster'" Aidan said. 

"Seriously....I mean I would assume this is Wilson? Since we all think he's the one behind all of this" Jacob suggested 

"Yeah...maybe let's go back and talk with the others, maybe they'll understand." 

We were the first one's back at the cottage, I guess ours was easier to find? A couple minutes later Jacob and Aidan arrived with their note that they found. We tried to put them together but at the time we didn't have enough information to put answers together. 

"Maybe someone should go get Brayden and Violet...we don't really need look out's anymore" Isabella said with a giggle. 

"Yeah, i'll go get them" Jacob said, and grabbed the golf cart keys.

"I'll join you" Isabella said, whilst she followed Jacob out the door. 

While Aidan, Daniel, and I waited for them we discussed our adventures we had. Aidan shivering at the fact that there was literally a dead swan the note was attached to. 

"Damn ours was just on a bench thing...yours, on a dead bird...hmm...normal" Aidan said laughing. 

We fried some sausages and potatoes on the portable BBQ/stove we brought, yeah whoever's behind all this gave us a working fridge that morning, and decent food...honestly we didn't even question anything anymore. You would think we would have an idea that something weird was going on, but if you were in our shoes you would understand that getting fresh food in our fridge from God knows who isn't as weird than the things that has been happening. It was probably a bad idea to eat food that you have no clue where it's from, but we were hungry, we ran out of snacks and we couldn't leave to shop. 

As dinner was almost done, Jacob and Isabella busted through the door panting. 

As Jacob caught his breath he said....

"Brayden and Violet are gone..."


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