{Chapter 2} Forests

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The creature slowly walked towards us staring deeply into our eyes. 

"Daniel...run" I whispered to my friend standing next to me 

running down the uneven land of the woods was not fun, running to god knows what, tripping, falling, panting until finally we found a shack which looked somewhat like a barn. 

"In there" I pointed to the shack as we ran in there for safety 

When we finally caught our breaths, Daniel asked a question I really didn't have the answer to.

"What the hell just happened" He said in between pants. Silence, I had no answer, tears just started pouring down my already drenched face from the still pouring rain. 

"This was a bad idea, I thought everything was a lie and now I...I put you all in danger we should just go home it's not worth losing our lives for this, god knows what happened to Violet" I said as tears continued to pour down my face. 

"Hey, hey this is worth it, we all love you Kayce and if you want to find answers we're here for you every step of the way, we can't leave now we need to save Violet...I don't know how but we need to think of something" Daniel responded. He tried to calm me down which eventually helped but by this time I was exhausted. We laid our sweaters onto the ground and crashed there for the rest of the night, fear was still bottled up inside me. 

I woke up to the sound of screaming, I got up and saw that Daniel was not sleeping next to me anymore I ran out the barn and saw him standing, back towards me looking down at something.

"Daniel...is everything okay?" I asked and slowly walked over to him

"Vio-Violet!" He yelled and pointed to Violet's body laying down in front of him...she looked like every piece of joy and life has been ripped out of her.

"Holy shit! Is she breathing?!?" I asked as I got down on my knees and tried to find a pulse

"She's breathing" I looked up to Daniel, he carried a horrified expression on his face

"What?" I asked him 

"She wasn't a minute ago" he responded and fell to the ground 

"Daniel what are you talking about!?" I shouted at him

"I saw the look in her eyes, before she fell...I went outside to see if I can tell what time it was and there she was standing in front of me, no life was found in her eyes, Kayce she looked...well she looked dead" He whispered the last part. 

"She didn't look like herself she gave me a look, a look like she was asking for help then she just collapsed" He continued, watery eyed. 

"Let's just bring her back to the others we can explain what happened to them and see if they know what to do cause honestly I have no idea what's happening" I said to him as we both picked up Violet and followed the path to where the golf cart was. It took a while to find it since we were running the other night not paying attention to where we were going but we somehow managed to find it. 

It's Saturday now approximately 9 in the morning and when we got back everyone was starting to get up, no one even noticed we were missing, no one even heard the door bang open last night...only me I was the only person who heard it, Daniel only woke up because of me. Did someone want me to find Violet alone? What if Daniel wasn't with me, was something different planned for me? My brain was flooded with all these questions but I quickly shake them off with the smell of bacon and eggs cooking on the portable stove. 

After breakfast we explained everything that happened, Violet still passed out on the couch, everyone was horrified we had no answers to what happened last night. We just decided to wait until she wakes up and ask her if she knows anything. 

"So I was thinking...maybe we can check out the old cemetery today" Jacob suggested

"Dude have you ever watched any scary movies? That's like death trap by going there you're just waiting for satan to surprise butt attack you and take you to hell" Brayden said as we all laughed. 

"Okay look I know it's a stupid idea but hey that's the first place we should look to find answers, see when they died maybe we can find some information or even clues that way" Jacob concluded, we finally agreed with his stupid plan which ended up being great in the end cause it did help us out. 

"Someone should stay here just in case Violet wakes up" I said 

"I think I had enough surprises for today I really don't feel like dying I think i'll stay" Daniel said taking a seat on the single seater couch across from Violet. We all said bye and jumped on the golf cart to the grave yard. 

 Walking around was probably the most terrifying part 

"I don't appreciate the fact that i'm walking on dead people...I don't think they do either" I whispered to Jacob, he let out a little giggle. That thought always creeped me out. 

"Look here! This is the farmer" Jacob pointed to the largest grave 

"I remember reading his name in the old historic pamphlet Shelterwood used to hand out every year, this land was his before Shelterwood became a resort" He continued. 

"He died in 1782...damn he's old" Isabella said looking at the gravestone

when she said 1782 memories came flooding back from the night before. I knew I saw that number somewhere...but where though? I wasn't sure. 

"1782 1782 1782" I repeated trying to think 

"What is it Kayce" Isabella asked, she looked at me with worry in her eyes 

"We need to get back to Violet and Daniel" I responded and ran to the golf cart determined, Isabella, Jacob, and Brayden following closely behind. 

"Kayce what's up?" Jacob asked as we started to drive back 

"I've seen that number before...from last night...somewhere....I just don't no where" I stumbled out my words. It was silent for about 2 minutes but then I remembered, I remembered where I saw that number. 

"I need to see Violet" I blurted out, no one asked questions just nodded and Jacob drove faster. 

When we got back to the cottage I bursted right through the door

"Find anything?" Daniel asked, I ignored him and ran straight to the still unconscious Violet, I sat her up pulling off the sweater that Daniel put on her when we carried her back here, I threw it on the floor and examined  her arms. There is was. On her left arm. 

The number 1782 was carved in small font on her skin right above the elbow. 


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