{Chapter 11} Expect the Unexpected

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We walk up to Daniel, frozen in his spot. With a file in his hand. 

"Darren was terrified of the lake..." Daniel trailed off

"Yeah, he always was" I answered 

"In this article his mother mentions that he's never gone swimming there, he never wanted to" he continued. 

"So why all of a sudden now? How'd he make it to the middle of the lake?" Isabella questioned

"They said his body was tangled in seaweed and he was too tired to continue to swim back to shore." I say, remembering his brother telling me this before they sold the cottage. 

"Over here it says someone witnessed him jumping off the rocks but never coming back up." Daniel responds, reading the article. 

"He'd never do that. He always hated people who did. He didn't talk to me for a week when I went cliff jumping." I say shaking my head.

"Maybe someone told him to jump" Isabella says 

"or maybe someone made up the witness so the park wouldn't get in trouble or sued." Daniel adds

I didn't know what to believe, but I knew he would never jump or swim in that lake voluntarily. 

"We need to bring all this back to the rest of them." Isabella says. 

"Does anyone still have a working cell phone?" I ask in curiosity 

"yeah, I charged mine with my portable charger the other day." Daniel says 

"great! Take pictures of the board, make sure to get their names in it to" I mention, as he starts snapping pictures. 

"Hurry so we can get out of here. This place is giving me the chills" Isabella says, making her way out of the cabin. 

When she went outside the cabin, Daniel asked me "how do you think Isabella knew about this place?" 

"I don't know, clearly something or someone wanted her to know about this place" I respond. 

"Yeah, I just hope with this information we can get out of here" he says, making his way down. 

"If these don't give us any type of answer I have officially lost all hope" he continues. 

"Yeah" I respond with a nervous laugh.

"Do you have everything?" I ask, looking around one last time before leaving. 

"I think so" he responds. 

"Alright let's go back to the rest of the gang" I say, as Daniel helps me get down. 

We met Isabella outside, sitting against an old maple tree. 

"You okay?" I ask her. 

"Yeah, I was just getting claustrophobic in there, I needed some air." She responds. 

We head back to the cottage, and as we enter through the door we see Cory sitting on the couch, the others crowded around him.

"What's going on here?" Daniel asks.

"We don't know, he hasn't moved or talked since you guys left." Brayden mentions 

"Hey, Cory is everything okay? It's me, Kayce, answer us." I say trying to comfort him. 

He blinked his eyes and snapped back to reality with a very blank and confused look. 

"What's going on?" He asks in surprise 

"You tell us" Violet says in a worried tone. 

"I don't know what happened" he responds quietly. 

"Get him some water or something." Violet suggests 

"Where am I?" He asks. 

"Who are you?" He continues looking up at me. 

I attempt to refresh his memory, he slowly gained the memories back and remembered who we were and what was happening. 

"Did you find out anything else about Darren?" Cory asks me out of nowhere 

"How do you know about him?" I ask. We haven't mentioned anything about what we found in the cabin, especially nothing about Darren. 

"Didn't you mention something about your friend Darren?" He asks 

"No" I respond dryly, looking around to see if any of the others heard us mention his name. 

"I'm sorry" he speaks up 

"I haven't been completely honest with you guys" he continued 

"I guess I should tell you guys the truth now..." 

The seven of us just look at each other in shock, waiting to hear what he had to say. 

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