𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟹: 𝙾𝚑 𝙽𝚘

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The bottles of whiskey we managed to steal and not get caught was a bit much and a new record for us. I was in charge of distracting the cashier while Tommy would stuff his jacket and pants with however much he could fit. Usually this was more easier with Nikki or Vince tagging along but we didn't care for bringing them along since it's just us anyways tonight. That graduation was nice and of course every good thing with my family must come to an end

"We should go swimming, is your guys' pool open yet ?" Tommy asks from his side of the couch

"I think so, you have swim shorts ?" sitting up drinking from my bottle since it's only one shot glass left

"Can swim in my underwear" he shrugs

"Are you even wearing underwear ?" pointing at his pants

"Good thing I am today, should be some swim trunks in Elaine's room" watching him get up to stretch then go see I sit back not making any sudden movements until he gives an okay that he found some

"Shit means we're going swimming then" trying to pull myself up with the little energy I do have

Going to my room I search for my towel and swimsuit, son of a tit guess I have to substitute. Removing Elaine's skirt and blouse she let me borrow I go to place it in her laundry basket forgetting Tommy was changing and see more than what I needed

"Shit...sorry Tommy forgot you were here" walking in anyway doing what I intended to do "I don't have a swimsuit or don't care too much to find it so m' going like," hiccuping midway trying to catch my breath "this, that hurt"

"In lacy underwear and bra ? You're going to wear your favorite matching bra and underwear to swim in ? Evie you're crazy but don't say I didn't warn you" he holds his hands up finally getting his swim trunks on

38 minutes later

"Noooo, I can't swim right now" trying to splash Tommy's face hoping he'll leave me alone, he's been trying to get me to go to the deeper end of the pool for 15 minutes now "you know I'm not a good swimmer when toxidated"

"Toxidated ? It's intoxicated Evelyn, you're piss drunk dude" he laughs making fun of me

"Fuck you !" walking to the edge climbing up to sit on the side watching him swim around like an idiotic dolphin "it's 12:43 in the morning and we're night swimming"

"Because it's fun, you didn't have to agree to come but I also know you weren't not going to come with me. Besides if Elaine was here she'd be enjoying herself too"

"You left her at your place should've went home to her, but no you came here to drink and late night swim with me"

"I don't wanna go home to her drunk like this she'll be pissed, and I know she's asleep because she has to be gone for visiting her family next city over. It's like as soon as we got married she got less fun and instead is more serious"

Not having an answer or really trying to mellow out my mind racing at 60 mph I don't comprehend he's stopped swimming and is coming to sit his upper body against my legs that are still dangling in the water

"Sorry what did you say, I heard I think...less fun and something serious"

"Never mind that what are you doing, you okay short stack ?" he asks trying to study my face

"Mhm just trying to gather my thoughts, your presence is preventing me from kicking my legs"

"You're not even swimming you're sitting down being boring too, I remember we used to try to drown each other when we were kids. Freaked my mom out every time I would get the upper hand so she'd scold me"

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