𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿: 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚜 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝙰𝚝

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December 25, 1984

"Evie wake up c'mon I'm here and so is Tommy to carry you down to get started for Christmas" hearing Catherine barge into my room being loud

"Go away Cat I'm not in the mood for presents and that holiday cheer shit" turning over covering my face with the excessive pillows

"Too bad, finally a holiday with you home and it happens to be my favorite one. I also went out and got you something from me to you so it would mean a lot if you could just come down and open it" peeking out of the bundle I see her sitting on the edge doing that thing she does which I like to call the angel face

"You're doing that stupid face, alright fine where's Tommy" sitting up I remove the blanket and swing my legs over

"He's downstairs eating breakfast"

"Fat fuck, Tommy ?!" shouting since the door is open I hope he heard me

"I'll go get him if you want but he was suppose to be behind me"

"Yeah ?" finally walking in "good morning sleepy head, ready to go down ?"

"I'm starving so yes"

Being lifted I fix the nightgown so it doesn't show my ass or anything by the time I get in front of everyone. Seeing my mom standing by the table with a coffee mug in her hand I also see Sophie and Arthur who look to be waiting on me, that's new even for them

"Were you guys waiting on me ?"

"Yes, wanted everyone here before we started" she answers just as Tommy puts me down and takes his seat next to mine and my mom "how are you feeling today, do you need your medication ?"

"Not yet I think I'm okay, where's Inga or Rita are they doing laundry or something ?" looking around not noticing anybody

"Mom sent them home to be with their families" Catherine answers drinking her juice

"Yeah for the remaining of the month even New Years, who's to pick up my dry cleaning now mom I have be dressed accordingly to match Ethan tomorrow for his grandparents anniversary" hearing Sophie whine and complain

"You can pick them up yourself, we got you a car for this reason to drive yourself places. You do it all the other times what's so different about picking up your dry cleaning ?"

"That's what the help is for isn't it ?"

"Sophie enough, you pick it up yourself. Speaking of cars Evelyn what happened to that Volkswagen we got you ?" Arthur asks breaking up Sophie's rant which I'm thankful for but not to turn the topic over to me

"Still have it but having trouble with the engine and the battery, keeps stopping at various times which gets me stranded all across town"

"Need to turn that piece of junk into the lot and get a new one" he answers before drinking from his cup

"With what money"

"Money isn't a problem if you just ask, but I thought you had a job ?"

"I do have a job but after being out of town and reach who knows anymore" aggressively cutting my omelette

"I told Phil, you still got a job he said get well soon" Tommy answers with a mouth full of food

"Well I'll buy my own car then once I get home" answering him thanks to Tommy

"What job do you have now ?" my mom asks genuinely interested

"I'm an exotic dancer" stating nonchalantly I hear coughing, a silverware dropping and gasping being heard before looking around the table at everyone's faces "what ?"

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