𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝟻: 𝙵 𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙵𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢...𝚘𝚛 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜

136 3 1

April 10, 1989

"What about here?"

"Cat we've been at this for an hour, Arthur wouldn't just cut you off he knows you're in college. He's just doing this to try and make mom feel miserable, I still say I should go over there and kill him"

"You know for once I agree with Evelyn, which says a lot, dad is many things but he can't be that heartless" Sophie tells her while I stare at her as if she's stupid

"I'm sorry did you get dropped on your head as a baby? News flash idiot, Arthur kicked his wife and children out of their house for some younger woman. Now dare say he isn't a heartless bastard"

"I stand corrected, but he didn't kick us out. He just told mom he wanted a divorce and I think she took that as an automatic she must leave. We just didn't want to stay with him knowing she was the one to go" she corrects herself

"Well don't worry about it, I'll take care of you guys if I have to until mom is ready. She still not talking to anyone?" standing up from the table

"You know you have to be really stupid to do this Evelyn" hearing Sophie talk again but this time she sounds frustrated

"Stupid maybe, but I've done dumber things trust me" shrugging trying to walk away but she has more to say

"Why, how can you just still care so much about us after everything that happened in your life involving us. Everyone excluding Cat has betrayed you in some way yet you still care so much for us, why?!"

"Because in some fucked up way and the reality is you're still my family Sophie, as much as I do hate the things you've done and said...I still love you Soph. You're always gonna be my sister whether I like it or you like it, I'm big sister it's my job and life to protect you guys when mom can't "

"How can you say that after how mean and rude to you I was?" seeing her on the verge of crying

"Because at this point we need each other more than ever right now, besides I'm trying to learn how to move past the negative stuff and better myself. I've always taken care of you Sophie when we were kids to protect you so I don't think now is the time to stop"

After my little speech she moves herself to hug me and I'm hearing her crying behind my shoulder, wow this is new even for me. I'm hugging Sophie and it's not strangulation, but I can finally cross making her cry off my list

"Okay, okay stop it that's enough" patting her back a few times as she steps back wiping her eyes "Crying is not my best suit to fix so don't do that again unless Cat is the one you cry to. Now go back to being a bitch and us fighting all the time please"

"I'll be sure to" she laughs going to clean herself up

"Well look at that, thought I'd never see the day where you two would ever make up and finally call the rivalry quits" Cat smugly smiles looking through the paper ads

"Neither did I, give it until tomorrow where she's back to hating my guts. Anyways I gotta go run some errands but don't go anywhere because I have some movers bringing in another couch this afternoon"

"How'd you afford that?"

"Got paid bitch" sticking my tongue out at her as she laughs shaking her head

Tommy's pov

This is bullhshit, I haven't seen or gotten able to speak to Evelyn in weeks. All because her and Heather can't seem to get along for more than 5 minutes, why is it always harder for women to become friends than it is men. When she was with that one guy I was able to be cool with him, see how easy that was? Sure I didn't like him before but she was right when I got to know him, but it's like they haven't put an effort into getting along

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