𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟷: 𝙳𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛

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"The show should've been over, wonder if they went straight into after partying or forgot about us" tossing grapes up to land into my mouth while outstretched on the bed

"That's a 50/50 chance I'd say what happened, should we go out and have a party of our own?" watching Sydney rummage through her suitcase

"Mm...you know what yeah let's do that" flipping over off the bed "Let's just find a bar they aren't at and make our own fun tonight"

"That's sounds both fun and dangerous, I like it mix of both" she smiles running for the bathroom with clothes in her hand as I sit back down waiting

Flipping through the yellow pages I look for bars that could be fun and which name sounds exciting, you're in Houston, Texas there's gotta be tons of bars in this city. Texas is known for its bars and unlimited alcohol shelves just as well as LA, closing it I stand up to put on my shoes but hear footsteps at the door. If not my ears playing with me then I know for sure there's someone there because the shadow of feet are present. Moving quietly so they don't hear I grab my shoes and put them on quickly before going to the bathroom and knocking for Syd

"Almost done let me just fix my shirt-

"Shh, there's people at the door and it's most likely the guys so I say we need to find a way out of here now" whispering to her as she looks at the door

"How the only way out is the window?" she looks to me uneasy as I shrug looking at the window "Evie no my back alley days were left at home"

"So were mine but looks like they have to be coming back for now, grab your shirt and purse let's go" standing by the window opening it as wide as possible as she bustles over starting to climb while the knocking gets louder

"C'mon short stack can't hide forever from us" hearing Nikki banging

"C'mon Evie, I'm out" Sydney calls as I climb with the help of the small table and make it to the other side "Good thing we got a downstairs room, should we hail a cab?"

"Please we're in Houston I'm gonna find me a biker man or woman to hit on so we can get free booze" grabbing her arm starting to walk in direction of the streets

2 1/2 hours later

"I say we get another round don't you Knuckles?" looking at the man in charge under me

"You heard the lady Al another round of beers for the table" he shouts over to him as I laugh "Evelyn we need more women like you here in ol' Houston, you sure there's no way I can get you to stay"

"If it were up to me boys I wouldn't mind living here, I'm a country girl myself but I also have a life back in LA...and a pole with my name on it" hearing them erupt into laughter around the table

"A pole huh, we have a couple of poles ourselves in town" his right hand man across from us tells me as they all nod around agreeing

"Well that does sound convincing enough and you guys will protect me right?"

"Of course doll, you'd be our special girl and no one would fuck with you as long as we're standing" Knuckles answers as the beers finally come

"Well I accept your offer Knuckles but I have a best friend and three others who I have to return to and we gotta be heading for the next show tomorrow night"

"You're with that band that was just here?"

"Sure am, me and the lovely Sydney are make up artists"

"Sydney with your looks you should consider modeling" one of the guys tells her

"Thought about it but I guess my body isn't ideally what they want"

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