Its was happening eventually

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     Sooo, bet you guessed this was coming. Yeah um there's no easy way of saying this but I'm kind of done with writing fanfics? Like don't get me wrong I enjoyed it, I probably still do, but I've been beating myself up every night over the fact that I just can't write anything without forcing myself to. So yeah basically I'm pretty much done with Wattpad. I'll still be on here every now and again, I still want to support creators I follow, but story making is something I prefer doing with art!
     I'm thinking of just posting what my plans were for Dying Tears, posting whatever story ideas I had in a separate book and then leaving stuff there. Which, like, Dying Tears has been a mess. I had ideas and kind of just went with whatever my brain had in mind, usually based off of edgy songs. Like the whole: Ghetto beats up Cory, was because of a song by The Neighborhood but then I realized 'oh, this is about the.. oh'. So yeah, the story was bound to fail.
     I guess this is a self promo but I'm still active on like YouTube, Tumblr, and DeviantArt? So you can say hi over there, it's where I focus more on!
     As for like the newscapepro fandom, I'm kind of out of it. With Cory deleting, basically, my childhood, I kind of got a bit pissed and fell out of it. I understand why he did it though, but I wish he just did it differently, I spent so many years looking up to him and laughing along with him, but I've grown up I guess, I had to move on at some point. I'll probably make art and stuff about Cory and some of the gang sometimes, I do enjoy them (except that one person *cough*) but I'm in other fandoms now and I want to continue building my own stories with my characters!
     There's not really anything else for me to say, I got on this website when I was a fucking baby and now I'm almost an adult, that's the closest you'll ever get to my age, so yeah. It's been one hell of a journey but I'm really glad I had some awesome supporters here with me! So thanks, for every comment, like (favorite?). Whatever the fuck. It really meant a lot to small me, and it still does now. Just gonna say thanks to a few people I've notice stick around, I love them to death, and wish you all the best. <3


     @WinterWoods2023 Thanks for being around for like the longest fucking time, I remember seeing you comment and being like 'ayyy!' Idk it was always so nice to have someone stop by to at least say something. I can barely say hi to someone so it just means a lot to have someone comment on literally any piece of trash I post.

     @HatsuneMikuIsSenpi You've been around for like ever dude (hopefully that's fine, I know you go by they/them, dude is just my vocab :b)! You've literally voted for all my chapters! Like thank you so much, it always felt good to see at least one person liked it, especially from you because you've just been around for a while and idk I guess you'd understand the weird convoluted story I had.

     @Cinder5554 I missed your birthday!! I was so pissed because that's like our annual thing!! Fuck!! Happy late birthday -3-. Anyways, you are literally my inspiration and like the first amazing person I met on this site! Like we never talked a lot, but reading your works was always the highlight of my day. I remember being so heartbroken hearing the things you go through and whenever you'd submit something I'd see if you posted about how you were doing. Idk you're just a cool person, hope you're doing well nowadays.

     @Cat_De_Fox We also didn't meet on this shitty book but you're just such a cool person with amazing art skills and amazing stories, even if you haven't written in a hot second (which is fine, especially compared to me ; u;). Just wanted to say that you're epic as shit and I'll continue voting for literally everything you make because it's always so incredible.

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