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The fatigued doctor continued walking onward, he'd need to get back to his work before learning more about his new subject he had recently acquired. It's been failure after failure, but he can't give up yet, everything he's worked for is finally falling into place except this small little detail that could confirm victory on his end. That stupid child won't mess it up for him, he'll make sure of it.
Once arriving at the doorways of his lab he stopped, rather than going straight in, he turned towards another room down the hall. The usual chattering coming from the room he'd let his men use for relaxing and other things. Looking back at the lab door he reached for the doorknob, only to shuffle his way over to the rowdy room.
Overhearing what his troops were talking about, it seemed to just be more nonsense, just dudes being dudes. Should he even go in and talk to them? Of course he should, he's their leader in a sense, he can speak his mind to them whenever he damn well wants to. But he has research he could be looking into! Fuck the research!
"Evening, Sir."
"Aah!" somehow keeping his belongings within his grasp - even though he practically threw them in the air- Ross looked over to see who had greeted him, "Evening,..Greg...?"
"It's Andrew, but good try." The soldier replied with, afterwards heading into the room they were given, having all his fellow soldiers look over at the entrance. Where Ross stood.
Various greetings were sputtered out from all the men, some quiet and some bellowing. Ross was flabbergasted, not really wanting the attention at least; however, he needed to be a strong leader. Straightening his posture, Ross waved to the men and then signaled for silence. He immediately regretted that, not sure as to why he even decided to do it, he tried to quickly think of a reason as to why.
"Men!" Shouts were heard from the small crowd, fist raising in the air, "At this very moment it is the evening, and after a long week of work it's time we celebrate!" Cheers were thundering through the room, clapping could be heard from others, excitement was in the air.
"What are we gonna do to celebrate?" A soldier somewhere in the mayhem had asked, to which the men all looked at Ross for an answer.
"uhh..To the kitchen, men!" More cries of enthusiasm were heard from the mass as they all began heading towards the kitchen.
Nights like these were always Ross's way of thanking the men who stood by his side, he'd be the one to serve them, talk to them, and all in all just get to know them more.
It was a weird night, at least in the eyes of any regular person, but this was almost every other month or so for them. They'd all get together and just hang out, it was a way to bond, but in Ross's eyes it was a bit different. Yes, he should be growing closer to his men, but what would it matter when they're all going to die in their respective times. It was more for their trust rather than friendship, seeing as anyone he's come in contact with has met their end. It was funny, he would come out as the last one laughing when you thought about it. Just the way it should be.
As the line dwindled down to the last soldier to be served dinner, Ross had completely forgotten about Cory. So when the last trooper came, Ross stopped them before they could leave.
"Excuse me, could you do me a favor really quick?"
"Of course, sir!" The soldier responded back, straightening his posture to be more presentable.
"If I were to give you an extra serving, could you take it to the new inmate where the cells are?" Ross questioned, pointing at the general direction of where Cory would be.
"Sure, I luckily remember where they are, so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle."
"Thank you,...?"
"Oh, sorry, I'm Erick."
"Thank you, Erick. I'll find some way to repay you in the future for the help."
"It's no problem, sir. Just glad to be of service." With that, Erick collected the other plate Ross had been serving while they were talking, and began heading towards the cells.
Once he was gone and the kitchen was tidied up, Ross grabbed something quick to eat, and headed for his lab. He also wanted to make sure that Erick actually went and did what he had asked. So he began heading that way.
Once in the hallway of the holding cells, Ross continued walking closer to the one he had so nicely given to Cory; however, he stopped after hearing some distant laughter. A small smirk grew on his face, and he decided to leave it at that. Beginning his way back to his original destination, he began forming some new plans in his head, new ways to get what he'd want in the end.

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