The whole idea of this book

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I'd recommend you read the chapter before this first. :] Just to understand why I'm doing this.

This is from 2019 o -o

- Cory comes back to life
-Uni & Cory bond
-Cory gets depressed because Ghettos being mean to him
-Cory gets more distant
-Develop the characters more!!!!
-Four go on a search & Cory stays quiet
-Ross meets them
-Makes a deal to take Cory for their immunity
-They disagree but Cory knocks them out & goes
-Cory gets tortured blah blah blah
-Group gets a hold of themselves (went back to base)
-As they're recovering Ross comes with a horde of zombies
-Cory is sent to eliminate Nick & others
-Finds Nick out w/ zombies
-Have a stand still w/ Cory holding Nick hostage & others trying to collect themselves (again)
-Something malfunctions in Cory's head & just offs himself
-Kill Ross!

Newer idea!
Made in 2021 🗿

Uni meets up with Ghetto and Nick who kind of need him and his supplies since they have people they need to take care of and they miss their old friend. They all talk, feelings are mutual between them, they head to the White House.
Uni and Cory meet up and do gay crime together, Cory and Ghetto have similar problems but hate each other because they can see themselves in the other. Uni and Nick plan a way scope out mission for a decent sized perimeter they've never explored.
Wow! Ross lived there so now they're at a standstill because Ross has a big ol gang with him since Red is dead and they needed a leader, oh yeah Red died because of lil ol Nick. The four get knocked out and put in cells. They get out, but notice that they won't all make it, Cory says fuck it I hate myself anyways and distracts the guards so the others can escape.
Switch between the point of views.
Uni is all bummed that Cory's gone, Shark eventually talks him out of being an idiot and he meets up with people. It doesn't matter too much, but it helps him feel better.
Cory is in hell, having been shot in the leg and is now recovering in a cold compact cell with a personal guard 24/7. Eventually the guard talks and we learn that he's a big ol softy who had nowhere else to go. They become mutuals, and Ross notices.
Nick decides to get all hands on deck and discusses what happened and is open to ideas. They brainstorm and decided to let Ross make the first move, which Uni hates, while they continue building the antidote and building their reinforcements. Nick tells Uni to go clean the pantry with Ghetto to clear his mind and they go to do that. They eventually talk, Ghetto opens up about why he thinks he disliked Cory and Uni can't really blame him. They figure things out, and have a better bond than previous.
Being tormented by a group of guards, Cory becomes a water boy (idk he just does stuff they don't want to do) and hates every living second of it, basically reminding him that he'll always be a lower leveled soldier. He snaps when someone even mentions Erick (his personal guard) and cracks the broom he carries across their face.
Nick is feeling stressed and overall miserable. He's dealing with losing Cory again, which could help with test, since he did come back from the dead, and just having someone to keep Uni's mood up. He takes a walk around the building, ending up at the roof and is met with Dr. Xavier. They talk about whatever is on their minds, Nick is feeling a lot better, X is glad. They decide to head in for the night, and head their separate ways.
Cory is stuck with Ross, or more like Ross is stuck with him, as Ross goes on and on about the government and how it sucks. He talks about rankings only barley, and notices Cory flinch. The bitch being a sly loser, decides to ramble about how bad ranking is and asks if Cory could agree, he doesn't respond, Ross smiles. He begins a one sided conversation about how he may not be a therapist but he did take a class about that (it starts with a P I'm just too lazy to remember what) but he can tell Cory's keeping something up in that and I quote 'pretty little dense and ignorant cranium' of his. Cory opens his mouth to talk.
Morning comes and Uni and Ghetto report that they are almost done cleaning, Nick is impressed and tells them so. They head off to finish their work and Nick decides to check up on them only to find out that they aren't even in there, or so he thinks. He hears a 'psst' from somewhere and sees Uni hiding. Uni says they're playing hide and run, Nick asks about the running part and hears heavy footsteps from the hallway. He gets yanked by Uni as they dash down a different hallway. They get caught and just laugh it off, Nick offers to help them clean and they do so. :>
happy moments go brrr now time for angst >:]
Concerned over his friend, Erick tries to talk to Cory, even opening up a bit but he won't budge. He catches Ross heading somewhere and asks about Cory, Ross only gives him a lil happy and sly smile before leaving without a word. Heading back to the cell, Cory still hasn't moved and Erick is only becoming more anxious. When did he get a knife?
A good week passes and the good guy group is moving smoothly. The antidote is still being made, the docs saying it's like 12% away from being complete, and they plan to head back to the military base to pick up anything else that may be useful, since they did find gas. Switch to Ross who is telling Erick that he can go on break, Erick's all confused because this is a first, but Ross reassures him it's fine. Ross gets to talk to Cory, Cory bites back, Ross is unimpressed and tells Cory that maybe if he wants to get out of here faster he could do something for him.
Erick is chilling, talking with a few other soldiers in his ranking, fussing over his prisoner, the others tell him to forget about it and hang with them, the dude will be dead in a week ( a month tops). He tries to shrug it off but, y'know he's a nice boy and still worries.
Uni meets Max and decides to try and talk about the whole killing Cory thing. Max is being bat shit stupid and is only asking if he wants to play Uno. Uni wants to scream at him, but knows he's just insane so he gives in and plays by Max's logic. They play, but Uni isn't really paying attention, and they finally get to a point where Max talks about 'the camera freak'. Max just explains that he saw how he walked around and talked to himself which made Max consider him insane (Uni could literally facepalm the table) and how he got concerned when he started monologuing to Nick so he stepped in and handled things the ol Max way. Uni is very conflicted, he knows the dude isn't in the best headspace so he can't really blame him too much, but it just goes against his morals (well, rethinking it, he would do the same if you swapped some roles). They finish the game, Max winning and cheering himself on about his victory while Uni just says his goodbyes and leaves.
Ross is leading Erick and Cory to his lab, ranting (yet again) about how his plans are going smoothly and should be commenced soon. Erick is a bit cautious, and even butts in to ask why he's doing this. Ross gives him a glare and asks if he is reconsidering his side. Erick spits out a bunch of 'no not at all' and says he was just curious. Ross seems to buy it (emphasis on seems) he explains that the world has always been an unforgiving simple minded place and decided that to put the more intellectual people above the rest of the world would show whos the better one out of the rest, show why he shouldn't be pushed aside or thought of as crazy because of his experiments. Erick is very scared now, Ross just cackles and lets them inside the lab, telling them to take a seat, which they do. Erick nudges Cory a bit and the dude glares at him, ok yeah don't do that Erick, you're so dead if that happens again. Ross talks some more to the two, well mostly Erick, and seems to never stop smiling for some reason. He starts talking about a promotion for Erick, saying he's been doing such a good job recently and would make him a higher up if he'd like. Erick is about to decline, but Cory fucking throws something at Ross (Ross, being the bitch he is) dodges and continues the conersation. Erick is genuinely confused and asks what just happened, Ross shrugs it off and pushes the promotion question again. Erick declines and says that maybe he and Cory should leave. Ross's gaze hardens, telling Erick that if he wants to leave so bad then he can do so, but he better be careful. They leave and head for the cells. Erick pesters Cory about why he did that, Cory tells him that Ross deserves to die, maybe he should as well, Erick shuts up.
Ideas are running out ; - ;
Uni and the gang head to the military base, Uni, Ghetto, and Nick reminiscing about how they met while Uni complains about how badly they ruined this place. They get what they need, find a car and have Shark try to start it up (Ghetto helping him), Nick and Uni talk. Uni brings up his convo with Max, Nick nicely asks if they ended up getting physical, Uni says no. Nick talks about his side of things, accidentally saying that the whole ordeal left him depressed for like months. Uni apologizes so much and they have a hug out. The car horn honks.
Time passes (like two weeks), and Erick does end up getting promoted but specifically asked to stay as a guard, he just wants to make sure his friend is ok. Ross gets Erick another buddy named Andrew. The two seem to never stop talking, which always ends up with Cory throwing a rock or pebble to tell them to shut it and go make out somewhere else. They ignore him, and talk about stuff more. Cory time. Cory fucking hates it here even more, he's been trying to plan a way out, but with his limited knowledge of the layout, he can't do shit and has been crafting little daggers and knifes from rocks and such. He hears the cell door open and Erick sits next to him, just talking about whatever. Cory ignores him for a while but freezes up when the dude starts rubbing circles on his back, yeah no he's fucking dead. Those hand made knives come in handy and actually work, Andrew knocks Cory the fuck out and screams for help.
The ggg (good guy group :>>) drive in style and make a dramatic entrance as they arrive back at the base. They put things near the pantry and get some people to start organizing it (they say plz). Ready to hit the hay, they decide to grab dinner first and tell everyone what they got and what's going to happen next, which is to sneak around Ross's base and see if they can spot him, but they won't engage at all, instead staying in the shadows. Nick says Uni will stay back as well as a few others to keep the base safe, reasoning that Uni is a general Nick is a leader figure, one needs to be here while the other goes off on the mission. Uni agrees and doesn't see any reason to really question it further. They talk about whatever, and Uni heads off to bed.
Cory has it bad, he's fidgeting with his cuffs and is continuously walking in a circle. He hadn't heard from any of the guards since yesterday and hasn't even been served breakfast (he could honestly care less), he's heard that Erick might make it, but he doubts it. He knows the type of power he has, he knows that there is a very small chances that the guard makes it, if he does he'll be in pain for weeks (he did stab him right near his heart so yeaah that's why he's sure). Ross walks over and watches Cory for a bit, they don't talk or make eye contact, until Ross congratulates him. Confused, Cory budges and asks why. Ross doesn't give him much info but says that he was hoping Cory would kill Erick, the whole reason he was his guard, he didn't matter he was a pawn in all of this. Cory doesn't comment on that, Sure Erick was cool at first but god he just wanted everyone dead at this point, especially with the constant compliments he would revive. Ross says if he wants he'd be willing to accept Cory as a guard, work his way up maybe and be a General? Maybe something greater than that.
The docs are busy at work, well Xavier mostly, while William and Mike argue about the best hobby that they enjoy (I was gonna say like the best element in the periodic table but that's hella stereotypical). Xavier complains about the two not getting their work done, and the two grumble before starting on that. They have random rambles in between and then Nick pops in to check on them. He talks to Xavier for a bit and discuss another roof time for them, declaring themselves the rooful trouple. Nick checks on Will and Mike, having an actual conversation with Will and Mike butts in now and again just to piss Will off or embarrass him. Nick just chills with them for a bit before telling them to eat soon and then leaves. Mike makes some whitty ass comment about the whole situation because he's cool like that.
A month passes and Ross is getting antsy, he's starting to get paranoid about Nick and the gang (they're called the ggg, god man 🙄) and decides that fuck it he's launching his plan in 5 days. He is going batshit insane so make sure to um emphasize that. Calling a meeting, he gets everyone into the cafeteria and explains that things are happening. Grabbing his right hand man, he explains what he wants them to do and how things should go and what to do if things don't go his way. They nod affirmatively and he starts grouping up soldiers. Some hours pass by and Ross is cuckooed up in his lab, rambling to his right hand man and then explicitly dropping his name and oh my god it's Cory :0 dun dun duuun. Cory reassures him that they don't see any of this coming and he can even send a group to get intel info on them, stay the 5 days and see what's happening and try to sway them away from any plans they may have to find them. Ross likes that idea, but 5 days isn't enough time for them to get there, they think for a while and Cory says that the best course of action would just be to rush in then. Ross has to agree and tells Cory that he wants him to lead the charge. Dumb bitch- I mean Cory agrees and says he'll go in guns blazing from the front and surrounding while Ross and his team go in from behind. Ross laughs maniacally, and Cory asks about what he's making.
Uni's patrolling around, letting Shark's group (like Shark, Tommy, Ak, and Bobby but only sometimes) rest since they did just do a scavenging run and even looked around where they found Ross, though nothing was there. Major Gray ends up surprising him, and they talk. Gray just talks about what he's been up to and teases Uni about random shit. Uni bites back and they just laugh and chill together, Gray asks how he's doing and Uni quickly retorts that he's fine. Gray is a very epic dad and says nuh uh, you're still hung up on that Camera bullshit fucking simp. Uni spits back that he's probably dead and then feels bad, Gray sits him down and they talk some more. Uni says that yeah ok maybe him and Cory had something but oh well, shit happens, he needs to move on, that's the end of it. Gray disagrees and says that he needs to tell him one day, the bitch somehow came back from the dead and what did he do with that time? Yeah, he fucking spent it around Uni like all the damn time. Uni retorts that he should just run to wherever Cory last was and act like a prince coming to save his damsel in distress? Nope, don't be stupid, it's better to have known you got these emotions out than guilt trip yourself in the future about it. Talk more and Uni agrees that if he has the opportunity he'll say something. Gray acts like a proud dad and they continue their walk.
We're at the endgame baby >:]]]
Cory's leading his part of Ross's army out of their territory and towards the White House. He is fucking delusional and literally just wants to see blood shed, rememecing over how he'd seen Ross conduct his expirements and how he was just around the sort of environment where starting a fight with your colleagues was encouraged. It's how he ranked up so fast and why people didn't question him. The soldiers are talking amongst themselves and Cory could care less, he checks in with Ross and ends up talking to Andrew (ahah he ain't gone).
Andrew is a bit sour about talking to the guy who killed one of his friends but listens to his orders and relays info to Ross (because that's his role). He makes an offhand remark about Cory like 'backstabbing friend killer' idk something like that and Cory just chuckles to himself which only pisses Andrew off more. Cory says that Erick wasn't even that useful and they start a heated argument. He ends up getting yelled at by Ross who rolls his eyes when he hears who Andrew's arguing with and tells him to give him the headset(?). Andrew hears snippets of the convo but just ends up staring off into the sky.
Ghetto comes running down the hallway saying Gray spotted something coming their way. Nick goes to investigate and finds out that this thing is way bigger than a horde and is moving faster than it too. Telling people to get ready and be on the defense, everyone is scrambling about and Uni asks Shark what's going on. He sums it up and tells Uni to go talk to Nick. Nick and Uni talk, Uni is to stay behind with some of the other people to keep the inside safe. Nick and team stand guard and meet face to face with Cory's army.
Cory is a smiling buffoon and talks about how if the group surrenders then they'll be let off easy, they of course say no and Cory gives them a second chance before telling his men to fire. Shit happens and Cory and his men make it inside the barriers. He comms Ross to inform him on that, Ross says that they're ready to go in as well and they do.
Uni is yelling orders left and right, shorting a dudes arm off and telling people to take cover because they just got flanked from the back. Trying to form the best course of action, he orders everyone to stay put and see if Nick has any orders. Since they don't know what Ross is willing to do, running to the roof will leave them cornered and the building could collapse in on itself if explosives are used too much. Trying to run past them would be suicide and the same goes for fighting against them since they outnumber them by a massive ton. But, deciding they aren't going down without a fight, Uni orders everyone to charge on and don't stop.
Nick is backed into a corner, being separated from everyone, and his shoulder bleeding profusely, he knows things end here. He holds back tears as he hears distant running, but he's memorized his friends footsteps, and these aren't someone he wants to see. Clocking the dude right in the face, he stares at Cory trying to recover off the floor. Threatening to shoot Cory if he doesn't tell his men to back off, Cory tries to scramble back up but Nick put his foot down firmly on the other. He's not being threatened this time. Cory scoffs and says that at this point there's nothing he can do, Nick asks why. Cory stares at him as if he's an idiot, saying that with this amount of chaos happening they'll only listen to Ross, damning it all to hell because he wanted to be the one in charge, he was for a second but now he'll never be. Nick says that he can have that glory again, maybe for a second longer but still he'll end up dead in both turnouts. Cory agrees and takes Nick's hand.
Staying within the shadows, Ross watches everything unfold from afar. Sure he was there to help initiate everything but he wasn't one to get his hands dirty, he was more concerned about where he was right now, quickly determining that he was in the front of the base. He wanted to find the lab, destroy every ounce of work they spent so long on and see their reactions, but with the fight moving inside, that'd be a death sentence. So he began forming a plan, the lab wouldn't be too hard to find, probably out of range from the whole fight, right?
Ghetto is fighting for his goddamn life. Helping others get cover, firing shots, but he eventually finds his way out of the fight to look for those who might need help, and Nick. Eventually he finds Nick but holds Cory at gunpoint because the dude fucking betrayed them, and he tells him that. Nick tells Ghetto the agreement they made and Ghetto lowers the gun, though he does slap Cory as hard as he can. Cory says he can call off some of his men but things would stop sooner if they find Ross and use him to their advantage. Ghetto and Nick hate the overall moral of it but agree because they know Ross's army is fucked (I mean look at the camera bitch for crying out loud). They decide that he'd go for the antidote and head there only to be met by some of the ggg who also threaten Cory. They quickly explain the plan and the ggg says that Ross hasn't been seen anywhere, but oh no they hear running.
Uni is injured, and looking for medical attention. He slips around any and all conflict to get to the lab, knowing that if people aren't there at least he can tend to himself. Instead he is met with Cory and Ross arguing, the ggg inside the lab motioning for him to stay put. He does, but worries about the whole ordeal, the two idiots get into a kerfuffle and Ross is knocked out. They help Uni, Uni's attention never leaves Cory and he notices. He pulls him to the side and explains himself, explains that after this he's done for and is accepting what happens to him. He's fucked, mentally and soon to be physically, and he knows it. They hug it out, Cory tells Uni that he wishes he could have been a better friend, hell maybe they could have been partners in another world. And it cuts, maybe they kissed, maybe they didn't, that's up to the reader's interpretation. B]
Cory is holding Ross by the collar as he overlooks the sea of injured and tired soldiers. He breathes in and then gives a speech about how they need to surrender, not just for their sake but for the world's. He realizes what he's done and he wants to fix it before he can't, he rants about how power gets to someone and how power isn't for an individual but it's for a group. Sure there may be a leader but that leader helps things run smoothly, helps people come to an agreement. If they all ban together, this infection will be gone, the antidote will be finished and the world can finally be fixed. And their first decision as a group, as a society, is to decide on what happens to the man that started this whole thing. It's silent at first but people begin to yell out that he should be killed, shot in front of the base to pay for what he's done. Some say he should live and help them out but they get overruled because the dude can literally tell them the wrong shit.
Time passes, it's been like 6 months, Ross was killed, people have fixed the White House and are fixing the city. The antidote is done and has been tested! Things are finally happening for the better!! Nick and Ghetto are chilling before the rest of the ggg all barge in and just be dumbasses together. Gray, Uni, and Xavier are sitting off to the sidelines though, saying they're too old for that shit and just laugh at everyone's stupidity. Uni is feeling great, he's contributed as much as he can and is even gonna retire soon, same goes for Gray, Xavier kept countering that if he did who would take credit for helping with the antidote (Uni and Gray just stare at him very confused). Night comes around and Uni ends up star gazing, he's sitting on the rooftop with a lighter and some photos he's cherished for the longest time. Sighing, he says a few words about each of them before lighting them ablaze and letting them burn into nothing. Feeling content he says a final goodbye to the night sky and heads back inside.


Dude I basically made up a lot of this like just this past week. I had the basics down but never what would happen play by play. So the story is shit and it's always been shit because I made this whole thing based off of one song that turned into a story that's chapters were also based off of songs a lot of the time. I'll link the two songs that I know influenced this book. The first one being for like the whole story, when I had the idea of Cory being an 'angel' that - god this sounds so cringey but I was young so give me a break - finds out he's a sleep agent. I know fucking cringe dude but I was a teeny teen ok, now the story makes a bit more sense. Anyways here's the songs. :b

(Realized that links aren't working so I'll put the name of the song and who it's by :>)
(Distance by Christina Perri)
this one was for the first ever version of the story, it was so dramatic and god I hate reading it or just thinking about how convoluted it was.
(A Little Death by The Neighborhood)
this was the whole reason why I made Ghetto beat the crap out of Cory. I thought the song was like 'oh yeah, I'm a hollow human being and I feel like total shit. What's this someone beat me up because of my past actions, now I understand and I also hate myself now, time to commit not exist.' It's ridiculous and I thought the idea was good at the time. Then I actually listened to the song and heard the lyrics because, um, I also thought sweater weather wasn't y'know sexual or anything. Now I know that songs, can in fact, hint at that sort of shit. Sooo yeah, goddamn me and my stupid innocence.

That's really all I have to say, I mean, this will be it, I'm gonna mark the chapters that were rewritten as 'rewritten' and just dump all the old chapters into one so if you do decide to go back and read all the cringe it won't be a giant mess.
Thanks again for all the support throughout the years! I'll still be active on other sites sooo yeah? Cya around! Bye!

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