Chapters 1 - 12 (rewritten)

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Chapter 1

As the morning sun's rays gleamed down through the shattered window, a rather tired being still lay resting in their withering bed. A rather harsh dream jolting them out of their previously relaxed position and into a trembling slouching one. Well, not fully a dream, but rather a repressed memory that had shown up unwanted.
The male got up unenthusiastically, and headed off to his restroom, exiting the room that could be described as monotone and in shambles. However, you couldn't blame him, as this was how everything was nowadays. Chaotic and a giant piece of shit.
The blue tuft haired boy was humming a sweet tone, that he had somehow remembered after all these years, as he groomed himself and did the essential everyday things. While he couldn't look like the sharpest tool in the shed, he never really did anyways, so he was fine with this.
Bolting towards the kitchen, it was now one of his favorite times of the day, breakfast! Well, it used to be anyways, now everyday was the same thing. MRE's. With an audible sigh, he reached for his 'meal ready to eat' and dug in. The blandness of it deteriorating the mood that was once so high before.
As he continued chewing, he reminded himself of what needed to be done today. Making a mental note to go, and scavenge for anything better than what he had to eat. The list was already a third of the way complete, which, to him, was a tremendous accomplishment. Most of the time, he'd wake up just to fall right back to sleep, not really feeling up to do anything that day and just lazing about. However, today was different! He had found some new form of motivation to do something, probably just the amount of stored up energy in himself, so today he would be as productive as humanly possible.
Reflecting back onto his dream, he thought as to why it might have come up. It's a memory that he hides deep within his mind, to just come up out of nowhere dumbfounded him. The dream itself was relatively short, but still had a lot of meaning to him. It was so vivid, as if he were actually reliving it again. He shuddered at the thought of it happening again, but to whom?
Pain had shot through him out of nowhere, he snapped out of his thoughts immediately to see what had happened. Soon finding out that he had bitten himself in between his own thoughts. A soft whimper could be heard as he put down the MRE gently, and reached for the cheek that had been bitten.
"God damn it." He muttered to himself, wincing at the never ending pain that was caused by the smallest scab. He decided to save the leftovers for later, and went to examine the injury further in the bathroom.
Looking at himself in the mirror, you can see the rip and tear that continued to develop spontaneously around his clothing as time went on. The pitch black eye patch that had been covering his left eye after his first battle fought in the military. As well as the somehow naturally, but now muddy, light blue clump of hair that contrasted quite nicely with his amber eye(s).
After some insults to himself about not paying attention, as well as some further insight on how his injury turned out, he pronounced himself a wuss. It was the smallest scab that he had ever seen and would have to let it heal on its own. So with that, he left the restroom, and headed to his daily chores.

Chapter 2

Returning back to his room, he stopped to examine a few pieces of papers hanging from the wall. Giving a soft smile, he went to grab what he came in here for, and then exited the room.
His first task was always the hardest, that being to scout out the perimeter of the rickety old base to make sure everything was in tip top shape. So slinging the now equipped shotgun over his shoulder, he set off on his way and began with the entrance of the place.
It was somewhat pleasant to get out every morning and see what has happened since he was last outside. While the sunrise was never his favorite, he had learned to deal with the excruciating pain of waking up early just to see it. He preferred the starry nights, taking that from someone he was rather close to, he saw it as more eye pleasing and overall extraordinary. The world beyond their own was something they hardly knew about, so that was another contributor to why it was so intriguing to him.
Hearing a rustling from the nearby forest, the male went for his weapon and began to walk towards it at a slow pace. Stopping just a few feet away, he kicked the bush that the noise must have come out of. To which, a squirrel began to quickly scurry away out of fear and with its mouth full of acorns.
The blue haired man apologized to the fleeing organism, yet couldn't stop the laughter that followed suit. He continued his original plan, and later finished when the sun was at its brightest. About to retrieve back into his humble abode, he began to hear distant chattering and quickly drew back his weapon.
Hiding behind a few larger items outside of the base's entrance, he began to inspect the surrounding area that was in his line of sight. Not seeing anyone, he went back to his previous position and waited a bit to look at the other side.
The conversation was still muggy and rather hard to hear; nonetheless, he could make out a few things. Such as questions, banter, and increasingly horrid jokes. One thing caught his attention though, the fact that they had brought up his own name. Yet, he believed that it could have been something else, the hearing from his spot wasn't the greatest after all.
After what felt like forever, he peaked the other corner, to which he could see two silhouettes become closer with every second. Still not able to see their faces, he examined his basic perimeter and spotted a single crate. He quietly thanked whatever lord was out there, and ran over to his next spot. Now was the waiting game, to see who these sons of bitches really were.
It had taken at least ten minutes for the two to arrive at the gates of the collapsing building, and to which the hiding guard began to see, as well as hear, them more clearly.
"It still looks like a giant pile of shit, maybe even more than before." The rather tall one had stated, making the one hiding grumbe.
"Alright, I get it." The other replied back with, not having too much to make him stand out.
"Are you even sure he's here? For all we know he could be dead, not saying that isn't a great possibility."
"Ok, you need to shut up right now. You know as much as I do that he's a tough guy, he wouldn't go down without a fight."
"Whatever you say."
The two continued to look around, getting closer to where he, the one they were obviously talking about, was. Looking for some way to escape, because he was not gonna go down with a fight today, he saw a door that he had mistakenly left open. Congratulating himself on being a dumbass, he waited for his perfect chance to book it and went for it. Automatically tripping on the floor, after only taking one because his foot got stuck on a rope pile, he felt the two look directly at him.
"...shit." Was all he muttered out, before waiting for his inevitable doom.
"Told ya." He looked up to see the two that would end his stupidity, only to become shocked with who he was met with.

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