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With quiet steps, Uni walked over towards the other, trying to not interrupt the thoughts he may be thinking. Once next to the sun watching male, he sat down, waiting for the other to notice him. Yet he didn't, so Uni decided to do it himself. A quick cough was what he did, followed with a tired stare from the other.
"Whatcha doing up here?"
"If I'm being honest, I don't know."
"You know we're not supposed to be up here."
"Oh well."
"What?" With a deep sigh, Uni conjured up some reason as to why.
"You shouldn't be doing stuff like this, it'll come back to mess with you, or something like that. I don't know."
"Believe me I know that." Cory replied with, to which a silence filled the air.
"Come on man," Uni stood up holding his hand out for the reluctant other, "let's go back inside before we get in trouble." Cory paused, getting a good view of the sunrise, before latching onto the Uni's hand with his own.
"This is why you're the Sargent between the two of us."
"Yeah, yeah. It's just because I'm better than you."
"Oh, is that a challenge?"
"No, it's a fact."
And with that, the two had gone back into the mansion like base. Uni deciding to get breakfast for the two, while Cory strides back to the room the two share. This being the everyday routine for about a month, before Nick thought Cory would be fine to actually talk to his fellow teammates.
It did turn out fine in the end, but it came with a lot of shock and distrust from everyone. The four who knew previous thought this might happen, yet they chose not to push anything further. Cory would have to earn his respect back.
Which leads us to now, with the four being contained in a room for planning out missions and having important information kept within. They were, of course, planning out a mission, a scope out for a new location they had been notified about. Them being the only group who were able to go out on one, excluding the scientists as well as a few guards.
From the information they were given, it would be about half a weeks mission, longer if need be, but the most a week. However, before they would leave, Shark's group - Shark, Sabre, and Ak - would report back to the base to help keep it in check. So with all the little details figured out, the group went their own ways, the mission would commence in two days.
Each hour was becoming more and more dreadful, at least that's what Cory thought. Yes he had grown a bit closer to his group, but that doesn't mean that there's still a bit of tension in the group, mostly from Ghetto and himself. Nevertheless, Cory tried to remain on the positive side of things. He would take up random duties that needed to be done, talk to more of the other members that he doesn't see a lot, gaining his reputation back. Yet, in all honesty, he was just doing these various tasks to forget about the mission, thinking about it only stresses him out more. And well, the last mission he was on didn't end so grandly.
The bright morning sunlight beamed through the boarded up window, as two groups walked towards the White House base entrance. The group on the inside opening the entrance gates, while the outsiders waited to be let in. They exchanged a quick conversation between the two groups, anything to lighten up the mood, but at last came the dreaded moment of the separation. 'Good luck's and 'stay safe's were told to the waving group, heading off to a new journey.
They had finally set up camp at a little broken down hut, near the location they would later head into later. Night had already shown its face, the group unprepared for it, all scrambling to set up their camp. Barely making it, the camp was set, as well as shifts for lookout.
Uni was quick to volunteer for first shift, wanting to get it over and done with. Second shift would be Ghetto, who just agreed to any arrangement that involved Cory not having a shift. Cory and Nick would take the next nights lookouts.
It was a pretty tame night, the wind and the sound of nature being the only alarming things to worry about. So when morning came, it was time to pack up and head into the unexplored. They had camped outside of the location, which was, from what they could tell, only forest, maybe even some cabins if they got lucky.
They began their long walk, conversation arising as they began to wake up more over time. Their luck was seemingly good today, mostly because the group had walked into a small clearing where an array of buildings were plotted. Cautiously entering each and every one of the dozen structures, they finally concluded that; the cost was clear.
Only finding various rotting foods, or limbs which caused a few minor shrieks, the group decided to have a small break. Eating foods that now seemed extraordinarily better than the foods they came across today, they feasted. Staying within one of the many buildings for extra coverage, they finished up their small meal, as well as chatter, and decided to keep exploring. Uni and Nick in the front, while Ghetto and Cory stayed behind the two.
So far the place seemed pretty deserted. Which was something the group expected, yet to Ghetto it felt like someone was lurking within the forest. And with that in mind Ghetto kept his guard up as much as he could, for the unknown being in the forest, and Cory.

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