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"5 more minutes."
"Don't do this bullshit with me. Get up." Groaning was heard from the now, still half asleep but nonetheless, awake Cory.
"Fine." Was all he replied with, being too brain dead from waking up to reply with anything better.
It took the 5 minutes he would have been asleep to even get him out of bed. Uni; however, understood. As he worded it in his head, 'I could probably go into hibernation after being brought back from the dead'. He snapped out of his thoughts though, to tell Cory what Nick had told him earlier.
"Ok, once you get ready and all your other needs are attended, we head back to the lab, they check up on you, I'll get us breakfast, and then from there I'm not to sure." He waited for a simple 'ok', but was treated to silence.
"Cory, you got that?" The snoring from earlier continued.
"For fuck- CORY!"
"I'm up! I'm up." Uni walked over to him, cupping his pale checks into his, somehow, soft palms.
"I'm going to need you to get your dirty little bitch ass up, and be a working human being today. Do I make myself clear?" Cory only nodded, Uni had really changed from what he used to be before, or at least in most people's eyes.
"Good. Now get ready, I'll be outside waiting." Uni stated, moving away from the other, clearly done with his bullshit. Heading out of the room, closing the door on his way out.
"What a gentleman." Cory began to tidy himself up, fixing his clothes, hair, teeth, etc., etc. Now to the point where his hand was on the door handle. His hand was shaking, yet he didn't know why. He was fine a few minutes ago, he was telling jokes to his buddy. Why is he so nervous all of the sudden? He decided to push those thoughts down, turning the door handle and pulling it open.
"Wow, you took longer than my s-"
"Ah, no I'm good."
"Hey, it wasn't gonna be that bad." Uni said as he stopped leaning against the wall.
"Anyways, let's head over to the lab, and I'll get you and me some breakfast." He continued, walking towards the stairs that would lead to their desired destination.
The two had minimal talk while walking, not wanting to make themselves noticeable was their main objective. Nonetheless, they arrived at the doors of the lab, the one place Cory would rather NOT be at.
"I'll see you in a bit okay, gonna go get first dibs on the food!" He finished his sentence by running off to the kitchen, leaving Cory to go in alone.
He had to admit, he was anxious. All he did was stare at that door for a solid minute, yet he didn't want to get caught doing so. Like earlier, he pushed down those feelings, mostly to not look incredibly stupid in front of everyone. He grabbed the door handle, and started to turn it, a soft clicking sound being the first thing he was greeted to.
Once fully inside the rather large room, he had just noticed how empty it truly was. Ghetto and one other doctor being the only ones, other than himself, in the room. They both stopped their conversation to wave Cory over into their direction. After yesterday's fiasco, Cory wasn't fully ready to confront Ghetto again; however, he was an adult, he needed to move past many things in life. With that in mind he waltzed over to the two, trying to act calm and collected, but still freaking out inside.
"So, the main man finally decides to show up, huh?" Ghetto had said once Cory was next to the doctor and himself.
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry I'm late, but can you really blame me?"
"Yes." Was all Ghetto responded with, taking a small sip out of whatever substance he may be drinking. The doctor had just giggled at their pitiful excuse for a conversation.
"Ah ha, you're very funny. No wonder Nick likes you so much." Cory replied, sly smile coming across his face.
"Yeah, well at least I can get people to like me mister, oh I trick my friends for stupid shit just so I can feel like I did something good for once." It was morning, and mornings are when most people are a lot more crabby.
"You can go shove a-"
"Morning you two!" Cory was cut off from his reply by the two other people needed for this check up to start. The one greeting them being Nick, while Uni held two trays in his hand.
Different 'hellos' were exchanged between the five, Cory and Ghetto staying away from each other. Meanwhile the other three talked about the activities that would be attended to today.
They decided to let Cory and Uni eat their breakfast first, while they just chatted about anything that came up. The silence between the two was pleasant, the two both wanting to be in the company of the other. Cory had finished first, wondering what he should do now. His first thought was to throw away his tray, but he decided to wait until Uni was finished.
"Hey, I can take that off your hands if you want me to." Cory had told Uni, after the other finished his meal. To which Uni nodded, still chewing the remaining food in his mouth, as he handed his tray to Cory. After finishing all of his breakfast, he headed over to the group to indicate that he was, in fact, finished and ready. Now just waiting for Cory to join them.
"Alright, let's get started on the checkup so that we have that sorted, and out of the way." The doctor told the group once Cory arrived, grabbing his clipboard and clicking his pen, to which the point popped out.

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