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Night began to swallow the sky, dimly lit stars scattered across the horizon. The world in a chaotic state, yet it was almost peaceful in this moment. Which would now bring us to a simple bedroom fit for two, somehow looking better inside than out. With one window in the middle of the wall, broken and covered up by wooden, rotting, planks. Being the only 'decorative' piece in the room, only other things being two beds, and a bedside cabinet.
Earlier that same day, the two that occupy the room, had gone to be tested. A simple check up, was really it. Seeing how the two have been, each somewhere different than the group that had taken them in.
Once finished, the doctor, that had examined them, deemed them both health and fit. Cory, recovered from his previous injury and state. Uni, in general, has kept himself up to date and well. Both were able to do any work they were given by the two leaders of the group.
Bringing us back to the small room, now filled with small chattering between the two. The chattering just being jokes thrown here and there, past memories that they still enjoy, even the goals that they still want to accomplish, together.
"Remember when we were told that we would be in the military? We were so hyped. We practically spent the whole summer 'training' ourselves." Cory added into the conversation, laughing at the end about how innocent they had been. Hearing small giggles from the other male laying next to him.
"Yeah! And remember when we first got there, and how fucking serious we acted?!" Uni replied, holding his stomach as they laughed at how stupid they both were.
This going on until a knock was heard on their door, to which Uni went to open. Not everyone knew Cory was around yet, so he stayed put.
"Uni, hey! Dinners being served, and the groups wants to know if you'll hang out with us? Of course you don't have to, but just to catch up. Y'know?" Shark had been the one to knock on the door, giving a heartwarming wave as he went on with his question.
"Oh, Shark! Yeah I'll hang with you guys, but can you give me a minute? Then I'll be right down with you guys!" Shark gave a simple, 'sure', and headed off. To which Uni closed the door, looking back over to Cory.
"Uni, don't even ask. Go, I'll be fine up here." Cory could tell Uni would question him, probably saying that he could cancel if need be. But Cory wanted him to enjoy himself, get back to his roots. Before any of this stupid garbage he did.
"Yes, go have fun!"
"You'll be fine by yourself?"
"Uni! Of course I'll be fine, I'm a grown adult!"
"Alright, I'm leaving."
"Going to the door."
"Opening it."
"Just go."
"Ok leaving, bye. Be safe!" Uni ended their conversation, shutting the door on his way out. Leaving Cory with the room to himself.
Letting out a sigh, shaking his head, he got himself up. Going towards the window, he looked out of it.
He always had an admiration with the sky, it was his go to thing when alone. The different shades, the texture, placement, everything was so prodigious. So he ended up staring out of a little crevices in the boarded up window, not having anything else to do. Just staring at the mesmerizing night sky.
He had been so entranced in it that, when another knock was heard on the door, he hadn't been able to answer it. And you would think that whoever had knocked would leave, but that wasn't the case. As the figure stepped into the room, looking to see if anyone was here, they silently closed the door. Then began staring daggers into the back of Cory's cranium. Resulting in the other flinching, with the new found feeling of another presence in the room, and looking back to be met with a certain cyborg.
"Ghetto?" Cory questioned, fully turning towards the other.
"Hey Cory, just dropped by to see how you were doing." Ghetto replied, with a cold voice and stern face.
"I'm fine.." Silence, yet again, filled the room. Cory sighing, as he thought more about the situation.
"You didn't come here to see if I was fine."
"I would never."
"Why'd you come then?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest, making sure to keep his guard up.
"Just wanted to see how the worthless piece of dog shit is getting another shot at life."
"You really do hate me, don't you?"
"You could tell? I thought I hid my opinion pretty damn well."
"Just get to the point!"
"Don't tell me what to do."
"Sorry..,sir." Cory had commented, silently to himself, but before he knew it he was pinned to the wall. A hand gripping his collar upwards, ever so tightly. He stared up at Ghetto, with a fear stricken eye.
"You better listen, and you better listen up good. I'm not playing games anymore, you're going to need to start working with us. And no more hiding shit because, if you couldn't tell, no one trusts you. So if you didn't hear what I said a while back, I'll say it again. You should start acting like a working human being." Ghetto finished his pronouncement, still holding Cory up.
"Do I make myself clear?" He added in, only to be greeted by saliva on his face. And then, a somewhat confident, Cory smiling in victory at what he just accomplished.
Ghetto only laughed, rubbing the disgusting rats spit off of himself with his free hand. Cory's smile slowly curving down.
"You really think that does anything? If you're trying to get me more infuriated, then great job. You did it." Ghetto sent a punch Cory's way, so unexpected that it hit him right in the nose. Blood began oozing out; nevertheless, another punch was sent his way, then another, then another, and it continued on for a good couple of minutes. Cory only being able to scratch at the males hand, the hand that held him upright helping him stay in place.

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