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Just as quickly as the sun sets, it arises. The team of four waking up alongside the bright sphere, excluding Cory, and had all begun to pack up, in a way, similar to daily chores. Once set and done, they began to walk on forward, admiring the beautiful views, and taking in the settings as well as its surroundings.
"I spy with my little eye, something orange."
"Cory, you moron! For the last time, there is nothing orange!"
"Wrong, yet again Uni, oh my dear Uni. If you didn't know, your eyes are fucking orange!"
"When do you two ever SHUT UP?!"
"When you decide to shut up, Ghetto."
"Why did I pick you three to be in my group.."
As there are basic dynamics for duos, that can also be said for teams. With many different slurs and phrases, being either yelled out or mumbled, it tends to be a lot to handle.
"You guys finally done?"
All three heads turned towards Nick, with nods or yes's following afterwards. To which he just chuckled at, and then proceeded to say what he needed to.
"So from what I can tell, we only need two more days to explore the entirety of this forest, it'll most likely be three or four because I want to look a bit closer. Other than that, we should keep moving along if we want to get the hell out of here." Uni and Cory nodded, but Ghetto had a question.
"Sorry to be that person, but isn't it a bit weird that we've not run into anything while in here? I can't be the only one that thought that, right?"
"It did feel a bit off, at least during the nights it felt the most uneasy." Cory quickly added in, having this feeling come back now that it was being mentioned.
"That's why we keep our guards up, and should also hurry up. I don't know about you guys, but I don't wanna get gruesomely murdered by a squirrel." The group just gave out small chuckles at Nick's comment, while also advancing forward in their journey. No one really wanted to be here, yet they were the only group left to do any sort of mission, so here they are.
Two days passed, and the group found close to nothing within this forest, whatever used to be here was either: burned down, decaded/decaying, or just plain useless. Yet Nick still wanted to look into the forest more, having Ghetto try to back him up. When in reality, Ghetto didn't even want to be here himself.
At the moment the four continued to walk through a pretty big clearing, trees that stood yards away from them, which was their only cover, and yet they still journeyed onwards. Defenses high, as they could be struck at any moment, guns out. While it seemed extreme, the group had heard some footsteps the night before, as well as in the morning. And luck is something you shouldn't put your faith into.
A shuttle 'crunch' was heard in the array of trees, everyone snapped in the basic direction of the sound, guns loaded, anxiety levels high. As seconds became minutes, the group ran through the clearing and into the cover of the trees. Still moving forward, but not daring to be so exposed again.
"Everyone here? We're all safe?" Nick had stopped them once they were well into the forest, thinking the group needed a break.
"Seems like it, and, let me just say, we are never doing that again."
"Ghetto, it was the fastest way around. I just thought it would have been a good idea. I'm sorry."
"Hey, Hey, Hey. I'm not saying it was your fault, I just thought I'd say something to lighten up the mood. I didn't mean to hurt you Nick."
"Wow. Why can't you be like that Cory?" Uni asked quietly enough so that only Cory would hear.
"What? You want to be a married couple now?" Cory had blurted out, while Uni had mumbled out a small incoherent 'maybe?'.
Even after the anxiety inducing experience, the team was still making their normal shitty jokes, but just on higher alert then before. They decided to push back their sleep plans to continue on, and get out of this never ending forest.
Finding a spot that they had marked earlier in their adventure told them that they were closer to home, which was a huge relief to them, so they decided to spend the night here. Quickly getting set up, while also deciding who did watch out, Ghetto then Cory. So once everything was set in motion, the three went to sleep, later switching lookouts. Leaving Cory to watch out for anything suspicious, which, at this moment, any small noise could make him squeal like a small child. Which, speak of the devil.
"Hey Cory."
"AAAAHHHH!" A punch was sent towards the basic vicinity of where the noise had come from, only to see a startled Nick looking back at an embarrassed Cory.
"...ok then."
"Sorry, just doing my duties. Y'know..?"
"Yeah I get ya. You don't mind if I sit with you?" Nick had questioned, pointing to a spot around where Cory was previously, before he had leapt from earlier events.
"Go for it man, but why are you up so late?"
"Just couldn't sleep, today's little shock must have really gotten to me."
"Yeah, it was unusual."
"You could say that again," there was a small pause, "how are you and Ghetto getting along? Everything alright, or do I need to talk to him?"
"Nah, we're pretty chill now. Oh! That reminds me, thanks."
"For what?"
"For everything. Not only the bonding with hard head over there, but just for everything."
"It's nothing."
"It's something," Cory looked over at Nick proceeding to roll his eye at the sight of a confused Nick, "I don't think you're seeing the big picture here. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, you could have chosen anyone to bring back, and you chose me. I don't know why, but that's huge, especially since I tried to k-kill you."
"Well, everyone deserves a second chance. Plus I knew you didn't want to go through with the plan, you're too much of a pansy to do it."
"You want to test that theory?"
"How bout, no."

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