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Soft snores were heard from the small set up, two being enclosed by tents, and another being close to the fire they'd set up earlier. The sun was getting closer to poking itself out of the horizon, to which a rather toasty person decided to wake up.
Rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes, Nick began to take in his surroundings. Remembering what he had done to get where he was, then noticing a certain someone missing.
"Cory?" Nick had ushered out, as the others were still, obviously, asleep.
A minute or two had passed by, and still no sign of Cory. Nick finally had enough, and began to look around the camp setup. Stopping at a few bushes he saw a familiar shadow.
"..Cory?" The silhouette looked over at Nick, a few berries noticeably in their mouth, as they did a small wave. Pointing at the handful of freshly picked berries in their hands, Nick bitterly signaled the other to go back to the camp.
Once the two were back at the camp, a small lecture being finished up by Nick as to not wander off like that again, they settled down and found a small spot in their luggage to carry the leftover food. Stomping out the illuminated light, and waking up the two deep sleepers, they all decided that they were getting out of here today. So with a small pep in their step, happy that this week was finally over, they began making their way back to the base.
A couple hours pass, and the group ends up in the outskirts of the hell they will have finally escaped. Having a small celebration to their group of four, with a few berries being passed around as a form of their undesirable gratitude, they continued to walk onwards.
"Ok, can we all agree to never go in there again?" Uni had mustered out, after finishing the small handful of delicious orbs he was given. To which everyone had agreed, well, almost everyone.
"Well actually, I'm still a bit suspicious of it. Now I know I sound crazy, but it felt like there was more to it rather than just what we had found." Nick had countered with, feeling as though he would be yelled at with reasons disagreeing with his own thoughts.
"Well, yeah. We're not gonna find everything in there, but we found whatever we could. I think that's worth something, right?" Cory had said, continuing to eat a few berries at a time, not truly knowing how to help the conversation.
"Yeah, what Carl said. It's fine, we can always check more of it out later...maybe not me." Ghetto had squished into the discussion, while simultaneously pissing off Cory.
"Alright, alright," Nick giggled in between, " I get it, thanks for feedback guys."
"No, thank you Nick." It all happened at once, the quick movement of guns being drawn, people moving from one place to another, with one sly grinned lab coated doctor behind it all. With only one word being uttered after it all.
"Did you honestly think that you could just waltz in here, willy fuckin nilly, and do whatever your idiotic hearts desired?" The doctor explained, with a very happy tone to everything little thing that he said.
"Why don't you just-!"
"Ghetto. Not. Now." Nick interrupted the angered male, knowing that his input would only make matters worse.
"Wow, you're doing all the work for me Nick, what a nice guy. It makes it so much easier to do this." With a snap of his fingers at least a a dozen armed soldiers came running out from behind the forest's concealment, grabbing the group from behind. "Now let's see who else you brought along with you, Nickie-po. We've got the undeserving leader, a ticking time bomb, o! We've also got a run away Sargent, and, last but not least, a traitor."
Ghetto and Nick were more angered rather than how Uni and Cory were ashamed, the two quickly looking elsewhere while the other two stared daggers at the ruthless doctor. Yet no one made a move to speak with him, or, rather, no one knew how. It was only until Ross gave a hearty laugh that Nick decided to step in.
"You have us cornered, Ross. What do you want?" The doctor's grin only grew wider.
"Well, at first I was gonna capture you to do some fun experiments with my favorite people. Then, you brought this little son of a bitch," He walked over towards Cory and smooshed his cheeks with one hand, "and well I wanted to give you an ultimatum. That is, if you're willing to hear it." Ross stepped away from the group going over to one of his accompanied soldiers who stood in front of everyone. Still having that wide grin on his snarky face.
"Go for it, not like we have much of a choice."
"Thank you, Nick. Now, the ultimatum. Either you offer me the dead risen traitor over there, or, and it's fairly simple, I kill one of you. Actually, why not all of you."
"Why not buy me a drink while you're at it." Ghetto muttered to himself.
"Oh, would you care for one, Ghetto? It's homemade, and I hear it's too die for." Nick quickly shot Ghetto an unamused look, to which he only shrugged.
"You guys can discuss it if you want, questions are always open too!"
"I've got one." Uni raised his hand to the best of his ability, it doesn't help when there's a person clutching it like it's of value to them.
"Let's hear it."
"Why do you even want Cory? What's his role in all of this?"
"Asking the important questions I see. Well, for one, he's not dead anymore. That's not something that just magically happens, we're not in some fictional world, my friend," A few nods were showered here and there, "So, secondly, I want to figure out how he's alive? What's the side effects, if there's any? What changed in his body to be resurrected?"
"You make it sound like I'm some sort of god." Cory hushed to no one.
"I mean, you kind of are." Ghetto retorted.
"ENOUGH TALK! I've given you enough time to pick your choice. So, what shall it be?" All heads turned towards Nick, who gave a large sigh, as the group said their decision.

Stuffs going down. ;3

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