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     Soft footsteps continued to echo throughout the melancholy hallway, as well as the hushed dragging sound from behind. The eerie vibe being pleasant to the one dragging the other, a small pep grew in their stroll.
     Seeing their destination, the one previously walking picked up the other and gratuitously threw them into the mucky cell. Closing the door for it rather harshly, their smile began to grow a large amount, as they locked the waking male in. Their smile being the only object shown in the endless void of darkness that surrounded them. Their smile having the ability to scar anyone who'd seen it.
     "Good morning, sunshine!"  An exsatic Ross greeted, clapping his hands together making the other jump.
     "Fuck off..." Cory muttered, laying back down after seeing the predicament he was in. Ross sighed, yet never took the smile off his face.
     "I don't think that's what you'd want to say to the person holding you captive."
     "Like I give a shit, if I die, I die. No ones gonna know other than you, not like anyone would care either." The male stated plainly, not moving from his spot, neither his expression.
     "It's incredible actually." Ross ushered out after a long drawn out silence, but just loud enough for Cory to hear.
     "What?" The other questioned concernedly, turning his head towards the doctor a bit so that he'd better hear what he had to say.
     "That you don't know how big of any impact you have on people, more precisely, your 'friends'." The doctor continued, back to the other, with that grin still on his face.
     "I'm not following."
     "When you died, which I still don't know how they brought you back, what do you think happened?"
     "I don't fucking know, I was dead. How would I be able to see what went on." Cory was now fully sat up, staring at his capture intently.
     "I wasn't even there for all of it, yet I still saw the signs," Ross stated, "Things happen, more specifically, little events. I may not be a full blown psychologist, but I studied in it a bit, and seeing their behaviors and all that. Those events took a bigger toll on them than you think. Of course, it probably had the biggest impact on yourself, if I'm correct?" The doctor turned his head slightly, wanting to see the reaction of the other. Only one thing stood out, Cory gripped at his stomach. It may not have been the reaction Ross wanted, but it still proved his point.
     "Anyways, I have more important tasks to attend to. I'll be seeing you tomorrow, take care."
     "Wait, where are you-," and like that, Ross was, "gone...dammit."
     It was creepy, unnerving as well, the fact that your captor can just disappear into thin air. It would definitely send someone to the corner, knowing they can watch their surroundings without being sneaked up on.
     Now that Cory had time to himself, time to actually get a good look around the place, he began doing so by seeing what type of floor he'd be sleeping on. Not a surprise that it was covered in dried up blood, he didn't even jump when finally looking down.
     The layout of the cell was as any cell would probably be like, except it didn't have a mattress where one would usually be. Leaving an empty bed frame in the right corner, almost 4 feet away from where Cory was sitting, showing just how confined these cells were. He just shook his head, not at all ready for the nights to come.
     Some time had passed, at least it seems like it without a window and all, and Cory was getting antsy of just sitting in one spot. So he did the only reasonable thing, and got up. There isn't a lot of room in the cell, pretty much the area of an apartment bathroom, it even worked like one, which in turn meant it didn't.
     He began just walking around the basic perimeter of it, avoiding any places he felt were too questionable to step into. Sometimes staring at a spot on the wall that caught his attention. He even began trying to disassemble the bed frame, he didn't want to get caught though so he only examined its workings. However, sleeping was not an option to him. It would make him more vulnerable to anything that could attack him or try anything like that. And he was just too anxious to even try and close his eye for a second.

Aaahh! I'm incredibly sorry about the long wait! Shits been going on in the world, and I don't want to put my problems onto any of you, but know I'm trying my best to get chapters out when I can! I'm gonna revise 2 more of the older chapters but will continue to work on new ones as well! Stay safe out there, happy pride!

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