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"I'll go." Cory uttered out, a bit of hesitation was behind his deteriorating determination, but he knew what he was doing was the best option.
"Cory, no! We can make a deal, maybe something else. There has to be another way... right?" Uni practically yelled out, not caring about the attention he was drawing to himself, but moreover how he could get out of this damn situation with his friends still intact.
"Uni, it's for the best." Nick muttered out, feeling completely useless as a leader and as a friend. He should be the one to handle this, he needs to be the one to find a way out of this.
"Ghetto?" Uni had questioned the rather quiet male. The camera and cyborg had grown close, wouldn't there be some pleading for the other to change his mind. Yet, all that came out of him was a simple sigh, with his answer following afterwards.
"They're right, Uni. It's either all of us, or one of us." This isn't how it was supposed to go, they were supposed to be happy, fixing the world together. Why, why does this always happen to them.
"Well thank you for cooperating so easily, it would have been so much more enjoyable to see you all argue, but I underestimated how you think." A wide toothy grin was so clearly plastered on the maniacs face, the smile that could make a child cry just by looking at it.
"Sometimes I wonder how someone like you even managed to breathe on this world." Nick spoke out, the clear venom behind those words.
"Power," he stated as the smile grew smaller, "Now if you'll excuse me fine gentlemen, I have some work to attend to. Let's go boys." He motioned the soldiers to follow after him, as well as to take their prize. The group couldn't even make any remarks before being knocked out and left in the forest that was sure to be considered their personal hell.
At least half an hour passed before any one of them had woken up, that being Nick. Who quickly ran to make sure his friends were ok, before letting the remembrance of what had happened sink into his head.
He let them down again, he isn't cut out to be a leader, why was he the one who handled everything, why can't he just be good at something for once. Those thoughts continued in his mind, he had experienced this situation before, and yet it always ended in the same way.
"Nick?" Ghetto has spoken, finally waking up to see the other shaking where he sat. The image of this happening once before came into his head, so he approached the other, knowing how to at least calm him down a bit.
"Ghetto..?" Nick had gotten out between the small sniffles and gasps for air, clearly suffering from the events that only happened minutes ago.
"Hey, it's alright buddy. I need you to calm down, can you do that for me?" Ghetto said with the softest tone he could muster out, not wanting to drive the situation into the wrong direction.
Nick nodded, understanding what the other meant and beginning to try his best to slow his breathing. The soft and calming circles being rubbed on his back by Ghetto was helping him calm down quicker, rather than if he were to do this on his own.
"There you go, you're doing great. In and out." With that Nick settles into a calmer position, leaning onto Ghetto for more comfort.
"Thanks, Ghetto."
"Anytime, Nicky-boy." A soft array of giggles came from Nick, who's infectious laugh spread to Ghetto, leaving the two in a heap of laughter.
"What's so funny?" The two looked behind themselves to be met with a very confused Uni, who seemed to be rather fidgety.
"It's nothing," The two stood up and walked over to where Uni was, "You doing alright, Uni?"
"Yeah, I actually came over here to ask you two the same thing." Uni replied, brushing off his clothing to get any form of dirt off.
"We're fine now, thanks though." Nick quickly answered back, a bit nervous that Uni may have seen his little breakdown.
"So... what's the plan now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, for one, we lost Cory. Two, we have Ross to deal with again." The other two nodded to this response, having the guilt come over them for almost forgetting about what had happened. "Soooo, yeah."
"We should first get back to the base, we have to tell the others what happened." Nick stated, growing a pair and finally manning up with enough confidence to distribute orders. "Then we'll plan out from there."
"Shouldn't we go find out where they went though? So we don't lose them or shit like that!"
"Uni, calm down. Look at the big picture here." Nick placed an arm on the other's shoulder. "If we go in, guns blazing, we're sure to be dead, but with help, we have a chance."
Uni took a quick inhale before nodding as he exhaled, seeing how tense he was and trying to take it down a notch. He needs to think of others rather than himself, getting into more trouble isn't what they need right now.
"Thank you. I know it's rough right now, but we don't want to let our emotions get the best of us right now. We should get going." So with that the three started their journey home, trying to hurry their pace so that they could tell the others what had happened.

Quick authors note: I think I'm gonna go back and rewrite the older characters, so next chapter may take a bit longer??

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