Chapter 12

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After spending time with Sophia that day, it was hard for me to focus on other things without feeling bad about her situation. I wanted to help her, but I've never had to deal with something like this. Still, I wasn't going to let this continue happening when Sophia is much too sweet and sensitive to feel like dirt. I needed some help with how I should deal with this, so I went to Remington who was sitting close to a window and reading a book in the library to ask him what I should do. "Um, Remington?", he lifted his eyes from the book as soon as he heard me, "Lulu, hey. How are you?" He kissed my hand softly and I smiled as I told him, "I'm doing fine, I suppose. I just wanted your advice on something." He closed his book to give me his full attention, which I deeply appreciated, "What do you need advice on?" I sat across from him before speaking again, "Have you ever dealt with a situation where you or someone you knew were being mistreated by people you encounter everyday but you weren't sure how to get them to stop?"

He looked a bit confused but answered with, "Yes, I suppose once or twice, I've had to. Why?" Then he started assuming, "Is someone bothering you here? Do you need me to talk to them for you?" I raised my hands up and shook my head so he'd stop getting the wrong idea, "No, no, no! I'm okay, nobody's bothering me." I realized what I had to do as I took a deep breath before I explained, "I've spent time with some of the castle staff here, and one of them seems to be having a hard time with their working group." He leaned closer to listen better, "Who is it, my princess?" I played with my hands nervously, "Sophia. I've noticed her behavior and she's told me how she's uncomfortable being mistreated cruelly because no one seems to have faith in her or want to help her. I feel so bad she's been going through this since she started, but I don't know what I should do."

He inched closer to me and took both my hands in his as he suggested to me, "If the staff really has been treating her that cruelly, I can't have them working for me if they'll bring misery to one of my employees." I begged for a less harsher option, "No, I don't think that'll be necessary. Though, I feel like if I tell them to stop hurting Sophia, it's a better option than just letting them go with no explanation." I looked down with insecurity in my tone, "But, I'm afraid the staff won't listen to me since I'm just as new and I don't know if I can be assertive enough for them to listen to me." Remington placed two gentle fingers under my chin to lift my head up and look into my eyes as he expressed to me, "I believe you'll have the confidence to help defend Sophia, and if you need help, I won't hesitate to be by your side to support you. Okay, my princess?" I beamed at his statement and nodded before he smiled back and lightly pressed his lips onto mine sweetly before wishing me luck.

Later that evening, I asked if the staff would present themselves to me for a small discussion. They complied, but I felt like they weren't really up for it with me. I tried to hide my insecurities as they lined up before me and Sophia was standing at the end. I stood straight and did my best not to look nervous as I started to express to them, "So, I know you all work hard to make things decent and manageable around the castle and I appreciate that deeply. But its come to my attention that there are those of you who may not treat one of your own fairly and I need to say that that is not appropriate or decent." One of them annoying asked, "Who told you that? Sophia? You know she's only saying that to get attention." I noticed Sophia looking uncomfortable, then I sighed as I explained, "She told me that because I asked after noticing she was having a hard time and whenever she seems to be upset, you all laugh. What if this was done to you? If you agree you wouldn't like it, I suggest you please stop treating Sophia unfairly."

They all looked away and avoided my gaze and I was afraid they weren't taking me seriously. This was my greatest fear, not that I wouldn't be respected, but that I would fail to help my friend. Just when I thought I had failed in trying to do the right thing, I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder and I turned to find Remington standing close to me and giving me a quick wink before he turned to his staff. "Listen, I understand you may not recognize Princess Lillian as your master since she's only been here not too long", he then wrapped his arm around me to hold me close and take my hand in his before continuing, "But as my wife, she's not only going to be a ruler of this kingdom with me at her side, she's also just as in charge of everyone who works here for me because you work for her as well now. So if she asks that you stop mistreating one of your own workers, I suggest you do so or you'll be replaced with fair workers who make everyone feel welcome here just as we have with all of you unconditionally."

I was speechless by Remington's firm position to stand by me and help assert my authority in the castle, and I watched as the staff were starting to look embarrassed and ashamed. One of them sighed in defeat and then acknowledged to our request, "Very well, Your Majesties. I would like to be the first to apologize for our actions. I'll make sure from today that we work together and fairly with everyone here." He turned to Sophia and said to her, "I hope we can make up for our indecent and inexcusable behavior, Sophia. We never meant to make you uncomfortable, but we promise to feel you comfortable with us." After all that was settled and Sophia thanked me and Remington for our help, we headed to our bedroom to finally settle in for the night. I snuggled up close to Remington and whispered to him, "Thank you so much, Remington. It meant more to me than you can imagine when you stood by my side. Now I know I can do anything if you're there with me." I heard his smile as he pressed his lips on my hair before we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

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