Chapter 19

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Ever since that night, every day with Remington felt like a dream as we were undeniably and happily in love with each other and not afraid to show it. I thanked Maxima for helping me admit my feelings for him, and she told me it made me a stronger woman to even conquer my deepest feelings for another I care about. I could hardly believe this was real and I could love someone this much. It was still a little scary to feel something so strong, but Remington helps me feel safe and comfortable and he seems to see me past my exterior, which I didn't think was possible for anyone. I felt like I was living in my own fairy tale as each day with Remington felt too good to be true. My mother was right: love can be found when I least expect it, and I never thought I could be so capable of such great love for somebody who happens to be the most wonderful person I've ever met.

Then there were moments when I noticed our love began to grow physical, and I was entirely new to it so it made me a bit nervous at times. Such as when I asked Remington to undo the buttons on the back of my dress, and while he did, just the brush of his fingertips on my skin felt like it was sending flames throughout my body. As I felt my dress falling off of my body with only my undergarments covering me, I shivered as I felt Remington's lips pressing onto my skin before he reached my neck and shoulder. I tried so hard to hide the sounds he was causing me to make, I ended up leaning my head back on his shoulder as the sensations within me were starting to build up again. I struggled to speak properly once more, "R-Remington...I feel...s-strange..." He stopped kissing my skin once I said that and hugged me close to his body as he asked me with a seductive tone, "Strange, you say? Strange how, my love?" I felt embarrassed to have to explain this new feeling, since I don't even know myself.

"I don't know, Remington", I could feel his heartbeat as he held me closely and tightly to him, "My heart beats so fast, I'm afraid I might pass out. Your lips on my skin makes it feel like my skin is on fire. I've been getting this weird feeling below my stomach that grows and worsens whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed with you. Is something wrong with me?" Remington released his on me a little to turn my body around to face him and then press my back against the closet door as he smiled mischievously at me, "No, nothing is wrong with you. It's just physical attraction, Lulu. It seems your feelings for me have grown into physical attraction and your body's responding to my love for you."

My face blushing as red as a tomato, I mentioned to him, "I've never felt this way before frightens me." He kissed my forehead and held my hand close to his heart as he reassured me, "It's okay, Lulu, that's normal for anyone new to love and attraction. I'm willing to wait for as long as you need until you're ready to give in to your urges. I just want you to know no one will ever take your place as my true love and my soul mate." That made me smile as he smiled back and then kissed my lips sweetly while holding me in his arms. This new feeling was indeed scary, but something inside of me told me there was nothing to be afraid of with Remington to love me and cherish me as if I were his most prized possession.

One day while I spent some time with Remington in the gardens, it was awfully windy and the hat I was wearing was blown away and then caught in a high branch or a nearby tree. Remington immediately went to climb up the tree to retrieve my hat, but I begged him to try to come back down so he wouldn't get hurt. But he insisted as he was already climbing the tree like a monkey and ended up close to the branch where my hat was caught and he reached for it. As soon as it was in his grasp, the branch he was standing on broke and he fell down to the ground, injuring his torso and chest. Instinctively, I took him back up to our bedroom where I left him on the bed and I gathered some material and medicine to help his cuts and bruises heal.

I noticed blood staining his shirt so I asked him to remove it from his body. As he did, I found myself watching intently as his skin became exposed to me and the sight of his tattoos and toned features managed to fluster me more than I wanted. I tried not to look at Remington in the eye as I took a washcloth and helped clean his wounds first, glad they weren't too severe though I was worried if he might have internal damage. After cleaning the wounds, I proceeded to wrap a bandage around Remington's abdomen so everything would stay in place he wouldn't worsen. Unfortunately, I felt myself blushing hard as my fingers brushed against his warm, soft and beautiful skin and after finally wrapping the bandage, my hands seemed to linger on his chest and I realized Remington has noticed my behavior as he took my hands in his and placed my palms to feel his body, the action flustering me even more.

"Don't be so embarrassed, my love", he said to me while slowly pulling me closer, "You're the only woman I'd ever want to admire me and love me as your own." I looked up at him as he slowly pulled me to sit on his lap and wrap my legs around his waist, his eyes never wavering as they gazed into mine. I told him in a quiet tone, "I just hope you know, I love you for more than just your body, though you are truly beautiful, Remington." He flashed a beautiful grin at me as he kissed my lips with passion and appreciation and I felt myself grinning as well. He pulled away to say to me while holding my face gently in his hand, "You're so beautiful, my sweet Lulu. Every part of you is beautiful: your eyes, your smile, your hands, your hair, but your heart is what made me fall for you the most." My chest felt like it would burst as Remington's words made me fall in love with him even more and I knew I would never regret it.

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