Chapter 1

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Hi all! So, some of you may be wondering, hey, what happened to RAFR? Well...I told you I needed feedback and some kind of response so that I knew how people liked my story, and I didn't really get that. So, I took it off. I'm hoping that maybe this story will be better liked, considering it's not a fantasy. And let me tell you, werewolf romances are not easy to write! But this is just about humans, I promise ;) I think I'm better at writing these, to be honest. Wow, this is a long AN so I'll leave off here by saying this:


Chapter 1

                “Parker Ashton! What the hell is this?” my manager Elena practically screamed, throwing a paparazzi rag at my face. What a way to wake up.

                “Well, it would appear to be OK! But my eyesight isn’t the best right now considering the pounding headache I’ve got,” I replied sarcastically.

                “Well, if you would stop drinking alcohol like it’s water, you wouldn’t wake up every Sunday morning with massive hangovers, now would you?” she retorted haughtily.

                “But then we wouldn’t have these lovely talks,” I responded wryly. She rolled her eyes and huffed in a very unprofessional manner.

                “Look. Parker, I know you’re rebelling against your parents and all with this, and trying to show them that their opinion doesn’t matter, but please, for the sake of all that is holy, don’t ruin your life for pride. Your career is enough rebellion, don’t go overboard,” she said, attempting to calm down, although I could see that she was still pissed. I smirked.

                “Elena, I don’t do it just to rebel. I do it because I like to party. I like drinking. I like pot. I like the stupid and illegal pranks. And mostly, I like—no, I love sex,” I said casually. She took a visibly deep breath and then pinned me with her “disappointed” look.

                “That’s great for you, Parker. But if you don’t tone it down, you’re not going to have any fans left. And then you won’t have a job, and then you won’t be getting invited to any of these parties. You’ll sit on your couch, watching those Where are they now? Shows and you’ll be miserable. Because face it, Parky boy, you don’t have a degree. All you’ve got is your music, and once that’s gone, you’ll be a loser. I hate to be a bitch about it, but that’s where your future is if you don’t get it together. I’m not saying you can’t party, because that would just be unrealistic, but for Jesus’ sakes, calm it down a little,” she directed. I rolled my eyes and looked at her in a way that said “really?”

                “Don’t give me that look, Parker. This one is really bad,” she said with a bit of smugness in her tone. I narrowed my eyes and then looked down to the magazine laying harmlessly in my lap.


                Uh-oh. That definitely was not a good thing. To be honest, I couldn’t really remember most of last night, and I most definitely did not remember my producer’s daughter being at that party. Shit. If I slept with her, I could forget all hopes of finishing my newest album. Mike Donahue was not a man who liked to be messed with, that was for sure. I looked to Elena hopefully, willing her to tell me this was all a joke. Alas, she didn’t.

                “Parker, what were you thinking?!” she demanded forcefully. I winced at her raised tone because I still had the hangover.

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