Chapter 3

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All right, so i don't personally love this chapter, but it was the best I could come up with. I've been dealing with midterms and tests, and i'm super tired as is my brain. But, I didn't want to leave you hanging, so I pushed myself to write this, and as a result, it is crap. But i tried. SO don't hate me too much. Anyways, enjoy it as much as you can. Sorry it's so short also. As always, vote, comment, and fan! :)

Chapter 3

                “So, Elise Pearson. Long time no see,” Jesse said casually as he gnawed on his sixth slice of pizza for the night. Elise sat at the dining room table taking an array of pills she had not been taking when we were together, and I found myself worried. As she downed her seventh pill (yes, I was counting), she stared Jesse down coldly.

                “Not long enough,” she snarled, picking up the eighth little pink pill.

                “Ouch, that hurts babe,” he chuckled clutching his chest in mock pain.

                “Not as much as my stiletto would up your asshole,” she retorted haughtily. Jesse, needless to say, winced at the mental image. He put his hands up in mock surrender with a wink, recovering from his momentary lapse as he imagined what kind of damage Elise’s size eight foot could inflict. I had to admit, slyly sneaking a glance at the nude colored platform stilettos adorning her foot, I could imagine being frightened of the women’s shoe aisle for the rest of my life.

                “So, when did you become a druggie?” Jesse continued his inquisition. My eyes widened and I looked to Elise quickly enough to see her face flush with anger and her eyes widen in fury. If it were a cartoon I swear there would have been smoke coming out of her ears.

                “Since I met you,” she retorted. Not the best response but as angry as she was, I couldn’t really blame her. That had been a little insensitive, even to me, the biggest asshole of the group. Jesse seemed to realize that what he had said had crossed a line, and he was quick to apologize. Probably scared of her shoes, I thought to myself.

                “So…Elise. Why’d you give this guy a second chance?” Dylan asked innocently.

                “Oh, come on, Dylan. Even you would tap this,” I boasted, trying heartily to lighten the atmosphere of the suddenly serious kitchen.

                “Parker, I say this because you’re my friend. You may want to check out Vegas. I hear the gay bars there are absolutely phenomenal,” Dylan responded humorously.

                “Fuck off,” I muttered. Dylan incessantly questioned my sexuality, where in reality I was so comfortable with myself that I could make stupid jokes like that and not be flirting.

                “Sorry, bro,” Dylan apologized mockingly. “I’m all about gay rights and tolerance.” I groaned and ran my hand through my hair at his bad jokes as Ethan, Jesse, and surprisingly even Elise laughed at our playful banter.

                As she calmed down, Elise finally answered Dylan’s original question with, “In all seriousness though, Dylan, I don’t know. It just felt…right.”

                I felt my heart pitter patter at her words, even knowing they were all an act. Damn, the woman was good. She even had me believing her and I was in on the whole thing.

                “Cool. So, you still as good as used to be at CoD?” Ethan wondered casually. Elise smirked.

                “Honey, ‘good’ is an insult. I am a fucking CoD goddess,” she said flippantly. Ethan raised his eyebrows in response and plastered a smirk on his face.

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