Chapter 13

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Hi y'all! So I know I promised you guys a quick update and I let you down, all I can say is, I'm sooo sorry! I've been having a hard time in math, so I was trying to focus my time on studying for that, and that meant less time to write. I have no idea if you guys will like how I wrote this, but my emotions were all over the place as I wrote it and it's become close to my heart. This story is no where close to finished, so don't think that it is, please. Anyway, enough of me, let's get to the story. 


Chapter 13

Elise’s POV

                It was nice to be home. It was 7:23 according to the clock on my oven, and Diesel and I had just gone for a little swim in the backyard, hoping to cool off from the blistering heat as well, and goodness, did it feel good. Now I was sitting at my kitchen table signing off on some silly forms for work and listening to some Sublime. I was very relaxed, despite the events of earlier in the day. I could tell Diesel was happy to be home too, although every once in a while I would find him staring wistfully out the door, if it was possible for a dog to be wistful.

                Signing off on my last document, I decided to watch a movie. I was a little bored, I’ll admit. I mean, what the hell am I supposed to do with myself? I live alone. I have no friends besides Celeste, who was a nurse at the local hospital and worked all sorts of crazy hours. I mean, today was Sunday and she was working. Thank God my job had a schedule to it, or I would have gone nuts years ago. Looking through my movies, I decided on The Princess Bride because I had to admit, I had a little crush on young Cary Elwes. He was what my teenage cousin would call “dreamy.”

                “Come on, Diesel,” I called to my dog, patting the spot on the couch beside me as I clicked the television on and changed the input. He happily complied, nearly knocking me off the couch as he settled into the small space. He then contentedly laid his head on my lap with a huge sigh and quickly got to obnoxiously snoring. Oh, Diesel.

                We were just at the scene where Buttercup and Wesley were being attacked by the ROUS’s when my phone rang. I quickly leapt out of the seat, much to Diesel’s discontent.

                “Hello?” I breathed as I picked up the phone off the receiver.

                “Hi, is this Elise Pearson?” an unfamiliar female voice responded.

                “Yes, this is she.”

                “Ms. Pearson, my name is Patty Jackson, I’m a nurse here at LA Medical Center, and I have a patient here named Parker Ashton who keeps repeating your name. I found your number in his cell phone, I hope you don’t mind, but I needed to call and ask you to come down here.” I almost dropped the phone. Why would Parker be in the hospital? Unless he went partying and drank a little too much… The idiot probably had to get his stomach pumped or some shit like that.

                “May I ask why Parker is in the hospital?” I asked stiffly.

                “Well, ma’am, he sustained injuries from a motorcycle accident. It appears he wasn’t wearing a helmet and he was sideswiped by a sedan. There’s no broken bones or internal bleeding that we can see, but we’re going to keep running tests to make sure. He may have a concussion, however,” she explained professionally. It sometimes bugged me how impersonal these people were.

                “Alright, I’m on my way. I’ll be there in about half an hour if I’m lucky. You know LA traffic,” I tried to joke. She chuckled and we hung up.

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