Chapter 14

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Hi guys! Sorry it's been a whole month! I tore some ligaments in my knee so I've been dealing with doctors' appointments and pain medecine and I haven't really had the time to update. But, I'm feeling better now, and I felt I owed you an update. Some of you may think this chapter's a bit of a filler, and I'll admit that parts of it are, but there are some really important bits that will reveal themselves later. Alright so, here you go!

As always, VOTE, COMMENT, and FAN! :D

Chapter 14

Parker’s POV

                I watched as her expression changed, and I realized something just changed. Something in her forlorn eyes suddenly lifted. I saw a sparkle I hadn’t seen in six years, a sparkle that lit up my world. Elise was finally happy about something. My only question was this: what?

                I was abruptly brought out of my thoughts when I realized I was smashed against the side of the guardrail on the bed, something probing at my lips. It took me a moment before I realized that it was her precious tongue. Without thinking, I moaned and then grasped at the thin material of the chiffon blouse she wore, clutching her ever closer to me. I quickly took control of the kiss, because let’s face it, I was not the kind of guy to give control over easily, even in something as trivial as this. I let my free hand tangle into her luscious hair, mashing her lips to mine, tasting the distinct watermelon flavor of her favorite bubble gum on her lips. As I plundered her lips with my own, pressing passionately against her, I began to combat her tongue and chase it around the inside of her mouth. She playfully darted her tongue around my lips and as I went to get her tongue, she moved it to the inside of her teeth. Finally, I was able to meet it there and massaged it fleetingly with my own. She grasped at my back, moving from her seat beside me to the hospital bed I laid on, straddling me, making me harden painfully more than I had already been.

                “Oh, Parker…” she whispered. I broke the kiss to look at her face and I saw a haze of lust and passion swirling the depths of her eyes, her cheeks flushed a delightful pink, and her swollen lips caught between her teeth in wonder.

                “So pretty,” I murmured in awe as I studied her face. She giggled lightly and it was a sound that I realized I sorely missed these years.

                “So I have to ask, what just changed?” I wondered aloud.

                “I realized that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter the mistakes. We’re all human, and I’m sure many would disagree with me, but shit happens. I’m not willing to lose the man I loved for one mistake. I’m not saying everything’s going to go back to the way it once was, since I need proof that you won’t do it again, and I need to take it slow and try to figure out my emotions, but I once loved you. Whether or not I do now is questionable, but I feel something for you, and there must be some sort of destiny here considering the fact that no matter how hard I try to stay away from you, I end up back in your arms at the end of the day. So I want to give it a shot,” she explained. A flash of hurt panged my heart at the realization  that she didn’t love me anymore, but it wouldn’t have been fair to expect her to just jump back into things with everything that had gone on between us.

                “Now, come on. Let’s get you home. Hospitals suck,” she said with a cute face. I laughed loudly, throwing back my head, which caused a shooting pain to strike it.

                “Owww…” I whined.

                She tittered her chirpy little laugh and then walked out the door, presumably to find my doctor and get me the hell out of here!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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