Chapters 1 - 12 (not rewritten)

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Chapter 1
Every Story Has A Start
(Only some chapters had titles so yeah you won't see this after a while)

All I could think of was running over and hugging that son of a gun, but my body was stiff and won't move if I even wanted it to. My emotions were all mixed up, 'What should I do? What do I even say?!' I thought to myself but, finally after a long few seconds I was able to give one of the biggest smiles I've ever given in these past years and said, "How you doing..friend?"

•Present Day•

Soft snoring could be heard in the room at the end of the hallway. Inside was a creaking bed, a window which was now broken but then barracked shut with wood, a dresser that was most likely found at a near by dump, and a candle which seemed that it had been used quiet a lot during this time. In the bed however, was a boy with the intension of living out this apocalypse. He had a blue tuft of hair which was all frizzy as he stood up in his bed, a eye patch which covered his left eye from an accident he had during his years at the military, simple and yet quiet charming clothing which complimented him nicely but were folded on top of the dresser and a face which had shown that he'd seen some stuff in this mess of a world. The usual look someone during this time would have.

As he rubbed his working eye, he got off his bed and grabbed the clothes in which were folded very neatly on the dresser. He went to the bathroom, not to far away from his room, and did the usual morning requirements which consisted of brushing his teeth to a somewhat clean degree, and fixing the very messy plop of blue on his head. The usual morning bathroom routine. Now that this fellow boy was ready for the d- oh wait he completely forgot. He quickly ran to his room and grabbed his utensils, they aren't very important for the time being. Now AND for real this time was the fellow boy ready to start the day. He started walking to the cafeteria in which was in this rather enormous base he used to work at. The boy's name you ask, why the boy's name isn't all that special really. His name is Uni, and he is going to have the biggest surprise of his life on this regular zombie apocalypse day.

Chapter 2
But When Will It End

I stood in silence as I saw it all happen in front of me. The axe becoming a dark shade of red, as it became tinted with blood of his comrade. No what was he saying this wasn't his comrade, this was the person he thought he'd survive the apocalypse with. He was always there for this somewhat of a general, always watching their backs, always offering everything to him before he took it. How did this happen to him, his partner through all of this, him, the person he'd save in any situation. Him, his best friend and could even be soul brother, him......

•Present Day•

Uni, had begun making the best of whatever ingredients he might have found. But all he could really find was either canned mushroom soup or opened government food, which was probably full of diseases by now. He decided to go with the soup, he turned on the oven - which some how still worked - and looked for a pan. Luckily there was still one left, which hadn't been used as a weapon. "Thank you," he whispered to himself as he began pouring the soup into the pan and putting it a top the one working burner. Once the soup was done and eaten, - though it went down with a fight - he decided to do his morning patrol. Looking around this humongous base, he wished so much that he had a partner or anyone. But he knew, having someone back in his life would result in, that incident. He hated thinking about, and he wished with whatever was left of him that it wasn't real but it was.

The blue haired male shook that thought away, regretting that he brought it up. He would just finish his patrol, train a little, then he would have time to just do whatever. So he went right on with it, walking around the WHOLE base. By the end of it, he was pretty much dead. He decided to skip the training and go relax, but as he started walking in he could hear the sound of two voices. He quickly brought out his gun, which is the utensil I said we would need later. He walked over to where he was hearing them, keeping his gun in his hands seeming to never let go. As he got closer, he quickly hid so they wouldn't see him and so he get a better description of the two.

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