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Arya came to the kitchen table for breakfast after her routined cycling.

And there it goes again, only proteins.

Arya felt like screaming in frustration. She has been eating the bare minimum these few days in breakfast. It was painful, but she endured the dry toast till now, but the protein shower has now landed on the breakfast table too!

But her body was already giving up. She felt dizzy when she got up today and was much more tired than usual after the morning routined cycling.

Arya thumped down on the table and looked at Jin who was waiting for her.
"Jin, I really can't go on like this anymore."

"Like what?" Jin asked indifferently.

So he has no idea what was going on with her? Arya suddenly felt a stubborn fury in her.
Here she was constantly thinking that he cares though he never does something to prove that.

"Nothing." Arya tried to hide her hurt but Jin didn't seem to notice.

"Should I ask Chamiyu for a few proteins more?" Jin asked casually,
"There are rabbits and pheasants in the back hills."

Arya stared at him in disbelief and clenched the chopsticks in her hands and her jaws in an attempt to not curse at him.

"What?" Jin asked getting no answer.

Arya didn't answer. She shut up by stuffing some meats in her mouth.

She finished the whole plate before Jin's eyes even though she felt like puking and got up.

Before storming out in stubbornness, she even grabbed the plate in front of Jin with bacon and eggs on it and went out.

What did he think? He can torture her with food like that? She'll show him that she can endure all this crap.

Arya instantly panicked when the twin otter amphibian flying boat started to leave the water surface.

"The hell? Chamiyu?" Arya frowned and looked through the fuselage of the cockpit. They were just supposed to go to the other side of the lagoon of the coral atoll, which didn't need flying of course.

Nobody from the cockpit answered her and she stiffened at the feeling of being sick.

She fumbled around her pockets for the pills. Her acrophobia wasn't just something trivial. She can't stay here without being under influence of anti-anxiety pills.

"Looking for this?" Jin came out of the cockpit handing the navigation to Chamiyu who was sitting on the pilot's seat.

Arya looked at his hand. There it was- the small plastic vial of her pills.

"Give me that." Arya reached for the vial.

But Jin easily moved his hand away from her reach.

"Jin!" Ary tried to sound angry, but her voice was already shaking with fear.

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