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"Jin?"The surprise in Arya's voice was inevitable

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The surprise in Arya's voice was inevitable. She never thought she'd meet him here, most definitely not when she was thinking about him just a few minutes ago.

"Arya?" Jin's voice was also surprised.

"It is me!" Arya nodded quickly.

Jin's hand loosened letting Arya move and Arya heard Jin sigh.

"What are you doing here!? Arya frowned but she knew he can't see her in the dusky dark with tiny light coming from the streetlamp outside.

Jin didn't answer, rather slowly backed off and leaned on the opposite bookshelf against which Arya was standing now.

"Are you ok?" Arya asked with concern. Something about him was off.

"I am." Jin's calm voice came.

Arya was about to sigh in relief but she panicked hard when Jin suddenly staggered and slid down on the floor.

Arya hurriedly reached for him and grabbed his head before it hit the wooden bookshelf.

"God! You are burning up!"
Arya blurted as she sensed the temperature in his skin, "What the hell happened to you?"

Jin wasn't in any condition to answer her question and she hurriedly took off his damp overcoat.
How long he was out in this weather?

Jin groaned in pain as she attempted to move him a bit.

"God! I need light!" Arya got up to switch on the lights.

Jin's hand readily grasped her wrist, "Don't!"

Arya again frowned, "I need to have a clear vision, Jin."

But Jin's hand didn't loosen up a bit.

Still frowning, Arya took out her phone and turned on the torch. As the light hit the body sat down leaning against the bookshelf, Arya's breath hitched in her throat.

"What the hell did happen to you, Jin!" she almost gasped and worded the same question she has been asking since he landed here.

There was blood.
The whole floor was a bloody mess.
Which she thought as water on the floor earlier was nothing close to water, rather the red viscous fluid was making the whole scene look like a slaughterhouse.

Arya got down to her knees within a second and her hand put the phone torch on the shelf behind her and her hands immediately unbuttoned Jin's shirt.

Her hands started to tremble to see the wound underneath.
The bullet wasn't found anywhere, but the wound was bad just below his ribcage.

"Take a deep breath for me." Arya's voice calmed down as her professional expertise came out.

Jin complied without any protest and blood oozed out of the wound and his breaths were shallow and harsh,
Making sure that he had difficulty in breathing.

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