Chapter 5: Mother In-Law

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    "You haven't apologized yet," you reminded Loki as you both walked down a long corridor.

    "What are you talking about?" He questioned.

     "You said you were there to apologize yet you haven't apologized." You continued.

     "I'm sorry for trying to dictate what you were going to do today," he whined, annoyance lacing his already icy tone.

     "You've never apologized before, have you?" You teased and dusted the mulch off the bottom of your dress.

     "Never," he replied sarcastically and pulled you into a room to his left. You examined your surroundings. It was a small space that looked like an office. There was a pale pink sofa across from the gorgeous white stained glass windows. In the corner sat a oak wood desk with minimal clutter and a matching pale pink chair behind it.

    "Is this your mother's office?" You asked, excitedly as you ran your hand along a wilting plant in the corner.

     "Yes, I suppose she's late." Loki sighed and sat on the far left of the sofa. You hummed in response and placed both your hands over the plant's leaves. A shimmery gold escaped your finger tips. The brown edges of the leaves reverted back to green and the plant began to perk up. Loki watched, mesmerized as you worked. He noticed that you had a soft spot for nature.

    "All better," you whispered. You kissed the tip of your finger and placed the finger gently on the pot that was housing the plant. Then you made your way over to the couch, sitting opposite of Loki.

    "My apologies for being late, my husband kept me for longer than intended," Frigga stated as she entered the office. You lifted yourself from the couch and dipped into a curtesy.

    "Don't bother with the formalities, it makes me feel like a queen," she waved her hand at you. You lifted yourself from the curtsey and say yourself back onto the couch.

    "You are a queen, your majesty," you chuckled nervously.

     "Never mind that, wowie you're really pretty," she smiled at you once she got a good look at your face.

     "I am Y/n Idunadottir, goddess of life." You introduced yourself quietly.

     "Don't tell me you're nervous. I will be your mother in-law. Theres no need for nerves," she laughed in a comforting way.

    "My apologies," you nodded with faux confidence.

     "Listen, Y/n, I know this is all a lot but I promise I'm the least of your worries," she reached across the desk and squeezed your hand.

     "Did you see that my lady healed your plant?" Loki pointed to the palm plant that sat across from him.

     "She healed my Fredrick?" She exclaimed and rushed over to examine her plant.

     "Fredrick?" You whispered and tilted your head. Loki only shrugged and suppressed a laugh.

     "I like her, Loki leave us. Don't you have that trip to the village?" She reminded her son of the shopping trip he had mentioned earlier.

     "Of course, have a good day, mother. You as well, Y/n." He stood up and scurried out of the office.

      "Y/n, tell me about yourself. I thought Freya was the goddess of life." She remembered what you told her only a few short minutes ago.

     "Oh well, she retired after my mothers passing so I gladly took the mantle. And when my mother passed, I also became keeper of the apples of immortality." You told her a bit about you.

     "Oh thats right. Such a shame about Iduna's passing. We used to be great friends back in the day," she sighed as she offered you a bowl of grapes.

      "Really? What was she like when she was younger?" You grinned and gladly accepted the snack.

       "She loved nature, she would do anything to heal a plant. She was very adventurous and rebellious. Quite mischievous as well," she told you.

      "Yep that sounds like her," you smiled.

      "One day we should take flowers to her grave. You guys do graves in Alfheim right?" She suggested.

      "That sounds like a lovely idea," you nodded.


I love Frigga, she's such a sweetheart 💕

tik tok: corkandscrew

Go follow me, I'm trying to be that famous kid when school starts again.

Olivia <3

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