Chapter 8: Selfless Idiot

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Loki watch amazed, as you painted different colors onto the the canvas. After an hour, you turned the white of the canvas into a landscape of track that you raced a couple nights ago. From memory, you captured where the forest met the field and hill.

"Okay, now you're showing off," he joked. You laughed lightly and shifted the canvas so he could fully look at it.

"You like it?" You asked as you place you paintbrush in the floating cup.

"It's lovely." He coughed.

"I'm going to leave it out to dry, goodnight," you yawned and stepped back into his quarters.

"Goodnight." He whispered. Though it had only been a couple of days, you were growing on him. Something about you definitely intrigued him. Maybe it was your smile or your selflessness. Or possibly even how powerful you were as a goddess.

He admired your selflessness for sure so maybe it was that. He lost himself in thought as you dozed off inside. He eventually grew tired as well and decided to also go to sleep.

He entered his chambers, your soft snores met his ears. Just a soon as he was starting to like you too. He rolled his eyes and plugged his ears as he made his way over to his wobbly bookshelf.

His eyes wandered to his plant. He laughed silently and dropped his hands from the sides of his head.

"Dammit, Y/n." He whispered. He looked between the bed and the sofa, debating where he should sleep. He decided the sofa was best. He didn't want to be too forward especially since this was only your second night in the palace.

He stretched his long legs over the edge of the couch and struggled to get comfortable. He did this for hours, until the sun seeped through his dark velvety curtains.

The sun's warm light caused you to stir. You let out a yawn and stretched before tiptoeing out of bed, careful not to wake Loki.

"Stop being so quiet, its making me nervous," Loki whispered as he adjusted himself again.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" You questioned.

"No, I simply didn't sleep," he replied and sat up, opening his eyes carefully; letting light in slowly.

"Go get some sleep, mister!" You joked and pointed towards the bed you were just in.

"You'd make a great wife," he laughed and complied. He stood up and strutted over to his bed.

"What about breakfast?" He asked once he was comfortable.

"I'll have the maids bring you something, now rest. Selfless idiot.." You told him as you changed into a white dress similar to the one you wore yesterday.

"Using my own words against me, thats low, darling." He laughed sleepily. Before you could respond he had fallen asleep, his head buried in the pillows. His hair framed his perfect face as his chest rose and fell.

"Sleep well," you whispered and exited his room gracefully. You remembered the way to dining hall and stuck to that path, carefully trying not to get distracted. You were a bit early so you caught the maids cheerfully setting the table.

"Excuse me?" You spoke up gently.

"Princess, Y/n" They all looked up and curtsey you politely.

"Good morning, could one of you do me a favor?" You asked the women.

"Of course," a young looking girl chirped and straightened her back to appear taller.

"What is your name, dear?" You asked her.

"Me? My name is Lola," she squeaked and ran her hands through her strawberry-blonde hair.

"Alright, Lola, can you please bring a tray of breakfast to prince Loki? He's asleep so be careful not to wake him," you requested. She nodded, scrunching her freckle filled nose before scurrying off to the kitchen.

"I wouldn't trust her if I were you," a woman whom you recognized from somewhere, spoke up.

"I think she seems capable," you replied as sweetly as you could.

"Oh well you know who orphans are. No parents to teach them proper responsibilities.." Her voice faded as you tried to remember where you knew her from.

Then it hit you like a ton of bricks. This woman babbling in front of you was the queen's lady-in-waiting. You suppressed a snicker as you thought back to the princes slander from the first feast.

"What's so funny?" Her wicked tone brought you back to reality.

"Nothing, have a good day," you smiled and walked off to the garden. You decided to wait out the morning until breakfast was officially ready and the garden was the perfect place to do so.


I am fully aware it's 3 am

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I am fully aware it's 3 am.

Olivia <3

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