Chapter 19: Invest in Coasters

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    "You're awfully chatty this morning," Loki spoke up back in his male form. You rolled your eyes and picked at the breakfast in front of you. Nothing looked appetizing but you ate anyway. Thor and Sif exchanged confused glances before excusing themselves from the table.

    "What's your issue?" Loki whispered to you.

    "My issue, wow you really are a narcist, huh?" You scoffed and slammed down your fork. Instead of caring about the attention you were drawing, you stormed off sending a middle finger in Loki's direction.

    "She's feisty," Fandral quipped with food still in his mouth.

    "Shut it, blondie." Loki growled as he continued to eat his bland and dry breakfast. Loki wad being bombarded with questions and Frigga's lady-in-waiting who he learned was named Heather, wouldn't stop bothering him.

People who didn't know about the engagement wanted to know when they met, who proposed and most importantly when was the wedding. Heather kept reminding him of their dance the night prior.

"I'm completely straight but you did look stunning last night. That little stunt was indeed hilarious," she fake giggled.

"What stunt?" Loki asked trying to mask the annoyance in his tone.

"You know, how you shapeshifted for more publicity," she responded.

"No, I shapeshifted because I felt more comfortable that way," he raised his voice slightly in anger.

"Sure," she laughed nervously.

"Will you excuse me?" He stood up from the table and stomped out of the dining hall with his fists balled up in rage. Fandral sucked his teeth and shot Heather a disapointed look before turning back to his breakfast.

Loki found himself in the library. He went there whenever he was stressed or he needed the think. He knew why you were mad, he just hoped you'd froget about it. As he scanned each bookshelf, what he had told you the night prior flashed in the back of his mind.

"You know, maybe she does have a reason to be upset," he sighed to himself.

"Of course she has a reason," Ila emerged from the shadow that encased the back shelves of the royal library.

"Yeah that was a dick thing to do," Jenna chimed as she hopped off the top of a towering book case that house non-fiction novels.

"I don't remember asking for your opinions," Loki scoffed.

"Wether you asked or not, you're going to listen." Ila told him firmly.

"You are not going to go around acting like we're nine-hundred again. You're old enough not to be scared of comitment." Jenna started.

"We can tell you like her but that marraige will be miserable if you're going to be immature and run from any feeling that isn't anger." Ila continued.

"Great now that we're done can you leave me alone?" Loki finally spoke up.

"No, not until you apologize." Jenna responded.


"Maybe you two should slow down," Sif suggested as she wiped down the bar with a ratty rag.

"Maybe you guys should invest in coasters so you don't have to do that every ten seconds," you retorted.

"Or maybe don't drink at eleven am," she shrugged and yanked Thors hair to remove him from the mug of beer in his hand.

"Ow that was my hair," he whined and rubbed the back of his head.

"No shit, sherlock." You snorted and took another sip of your beer through the blue bendy straw Sif had found earlier.

"You have an attitude," Thor rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Y/n when are you going to tell us what happened with Loki?" Sif asked gently.

"When I'm sober," you told her with a grin.

     "Boo you whore!" Thor joked and gave you a thumbs down.

    "Shut up," you laughed and pushed him lightly.

    "Knock, knock," Ila's soft voice met your ears as her and Jenna creaked the door of the game room open.

    "Ila!" You exclaimed and hopped off your stool.

"Y/'re drunk," she chuckled nervously.

    "Not really," you hiccuped.

    "Come on lets go wind down, dear." She suggested and began guiding you out of the room.

     "Sorry," Jenna whispered before following after them.


Jenna and Ila are a power couple

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Jenna and Ila are a power couple.

Olivia <3

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