Chapter 11: Midnight Snack

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    After your sob fest with Loki, you finished unpacking which took all night because you kept finding things that distracted you.

    "I didn't even know I owned this," you laughed as you hurled small cat plush at his head.

    "I'll get you back," he warned, playfully. You chuckled and flipped your last box upside down.

    "Done!" You grinned. He rolled his eyes and placed the final contents of his box on the top of his bookshelf.

    "Done," he sighed and kicked the box.

    "Sore loser," you booed him.

    "Whatever, I'm starved. Lets get dinner." He pulled you up from the sofa and out into the hallway.

    "I think its a little late for dinner," you whispered and pointed to the start sky outside.

    "Thats fine, we'll make our own midnight snack." He suggested. His hand still holding yours, he lead you down the corridor, through the empty dining hall and into the kitchen.

    "What shall we make, your majesty?" You asked as you picked up a recipe book sitting on the counter.

    "Stop calling me that. We are equals." He reminded you.

    "What would you like me to call you then?" You asked as you flipped through the tea stained pages filled with recipes.

    "Whatever you see fit," he told you.

    "Alright. How do you feel about brownies, Lokes?" You pointed to the page that caught your eyes.

    "I feel like that is a splendid idea, darling." He chuckled and passed you an apron. You tied it snugly around your waist then pulled your hair into a low ponytail.

    "Aren't you going to put your hair up?" You inquired as you began to search for ingredients.

    "Right, how could I forget?" He laughed as he preheated the oven. A shimmer of green washed over his hair pulling it into a low man bun.

    You found that your eyes kept wandering to him and in the process, you kept biting your lip. He looked so good with his hair tied up. He joyfully assisted you with mixing and searching for ingredients through the dimly lit kitchen.

The scene of the two of you baking was perfect. As if you read each other's minds. You both gracefully glided around the kitchen, almost like a dance.

"Can you pass me the-" He handed you the exact item you needed.

"Thank you, Lokes." You chuckled.

"Oh I need the-" You slid the pan and oil down the counter to him.

"Thank you, darling." He smiled. Of course he would choose that pet name for you. It was making it very difficult not to fall for him. You both agreed in the beginning that this would be strictly platonic.

Just a couple of friends, being forced to marry in less than a month.

He poured the batter into the pan you had given him early, then popped the brownies into the warm oven.

"And now we wait," he told you once the oven door shut.

"And now we wait," you repeated and hoisted yourself onto the counter.

"How are you liking Asgard?" He asked as he sat easily on the kitchen island in front of you.

"It's nice. The people are very nice," you answered.

"What about your future husband," he pressed playfully.

"If I had to be honest, I'd say he's definitely a pain in the neck but he does understand me. He's probably the greatest friend I've had in a while." You admitted. For some reason you calling him a 'friend' set him off a bit. You tilted your head at his furrowed face, "What about you. How is your future wife?" You questioned.

"She's more tolerable then I expected. An idiot, but a selfless one. I admire her strength. She's been through much more than I can possibly imagine," he replied.

"She's not that much of an idiot." You whined. He laughed and placed his hand on yours.

"No she's not." He whispered. As soon as the oven dinged, you sprang up off the counter and scurried over to take the brownies out. You placed them gently on the island besides Loki's lap.


Like I've said before, man bun Loki is perfect

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Like I've said before, man bun Loki is perfect.

Olivia <3

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