Chapter 26: The Wedding

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Odin sentenced Heather to life in the dungeons for treason, battery and kidnapping. And Frigga quickly replaced her with Sienna who was a much better fit for the job.

The next few weeks that led up to your wedding with Loki were nothing but pure stress. Dress fittings, picking colors for literally any detail and the worst thing was coming up with your vows.

Between all the planning and your new royal duties, you and Loki managed to form a sturdy relationship quickly. Every conversation brought you closer; as if you were meant to be with him.

He completed you, like a soulmate. He could see the stress in your eyes even when you denied such things. He did everything in his power to comfort you and to make things easier for you. All he wanted now was for you to be happy.

"Love, if you wish, mother can take care of the rest of the planning." Loki greeted you when you came home late one night.

"I wouldn't want to stress her out," you sighed at the offer.

"Please take a break. You need one," he pleaded softly.

"Will that make my prince happy?" You asked as you changed into your nightwear.

"Very," he responded and glided over to you, planting a kiss on your forehead.

"Anything for you, my sweet," you told him and gave him a peck on the lips.

"You're stunning, has anyone ever told you that?" He asked as he changed into his own nightwear.

"You tell me every night, Lokes." You laughed.

"You are gorgeous, love." He told you and scooped you up.

"If I tell you you're pretty will you put me down?" You joked as he carried you over to the bed.

"Maybe," he laughed.

"You are the prettiest prince in all of the nine realms," you told him.

"And I'm all yours," he assured you.

"And I am all yours," you responded.

That was two days before the wedding. The day of, he couldn't keep his hands off you. Every chance he got he would shower you with kisses.

"You're not supposed to see me on our wedding day," you scolded when he snuck up on you in the dressing room.

"There is no fun in that," he pouted and kissed the top of your head, "you look beautiful," he reminded you before telaporting away.


The organ started to play as you stood behind the mahogany doors clad in a flowing white dress. Your father stood by your side and you felt your nerves begin to build up.

Your father pushed the doors open and walked you down the aisle. At the very end, you could see Loki standing there waiting for you with Thor at his side, while Ila, Jenna and Sienna stood on your side. Your brothers sat in the front row as did Frigga and Odin.

You walked in sync with the music, waving back at anyone, even if you didn't know them. Once you reached the very end, Loki gave you a assuring look and the priest began to speak.

    The ceremony seemed short and it went by in a blur. Your vows were short but meaningful while Loki's was a whole poem. He truly had a way with words, unlike Thor.

    "Welcome to the family!" Thor exclaimed and pulled you into a tight bear hug.

     "Thor please let me breathe," you pleaded through gasps. He sighed and released you from the hug.

     "And now we dance because that is all this kingdom cares about," Loki jested as he held his arm out for you. You took it reluctantly and adjusted yourself nervously as the band began to play music.

     "We're married," you realized as he guided you through the dance floor.

    "That we are, how do you feel, love?" He whispered as he dipped you.

    "Strange, but I did always say I wanted to marry someone I loved." You responded.

     "Did you get your wish?" He pried as your dress swept against the tiles.

    "I did," admitted.

     "You love me?" He asked as you both twirled across the ballroom. Guests started to pile in and the room was filled the room. Ila and Jenna stood carefully beside Sienna and Thor as they all watched in awe.

     "I do," you informed him. His eyes darted to your lips and back up to you before he dipped you down into a kiss.

     "I love you too," he replied once this kiss was over.


Here is the end! Sorry it's so late

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Here is the end! Sorry it's so late. Its the first day of vacation and I already got injured lol

Olivia <3

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