Chapter 15: First Suit

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    "I've never made a suit for a lady, but this is thrilling!" A woman exclaimed as she darted around your stiff figure for measurements.

    "This is Ila, she's the best tailor and seamstress in Asgard and a good friend of mine," Loki introduced her.

    "I love sewing and I also love science!" She added as she scribbled down numbers.

    "What category of science?" You asked as she began gathering fabrics.

    "I'm really into biology and anatomy. Chemistry is not my forte," she laughed.

    "I'll leave you two, bye Ila. Say hi to your wife for me." He waved the both of you goodbye and exited the room.

    "Now, what color are we thinking? Do we want to match Loki's or go rogue, because I have tons and tons of greens but I also have gorgeous selections of other more funky colors!" She gestured to her walls lined with fabrics and decals.

    "Why don't you surprise me?" You suggested. Her face lit up as she excitedly pluck fabrics from her shelves. She adjusted on of her feminine shaped mannequins and began her work.

    You watched her work. She was truly enthusiastic about her job. Each move was calculated and perfect.

    "I think you'll love this!" She assured you.

    "It's my first suit, so I'm sure I'll love it." You replied.

    "Yeah, I heard Alfheim was more traditional than Asgard," she responded.

    "It's all my father's fault. He's too old to be king of a modern and changing society." You told her.

    "That's why Loki and I are hoping he'll become king after your marriage." She said absently.

    "The only way that would happen is if Thor marries the eldest of another kingdom." You thought out loud.

    "He's too caught up with that Midgardian girl." She laughed.

    "Thor would fall for a mortal," you sighed.

    "I've known the princes all my life and if anything Loki would. He's afraid of commitment." She disagreed, "but what seems odd is that he's not at all terrified of your engagement."

    "That's because I'm awesome," you joked.

    "My daughter would love you," she chuckled as she continued to work on your suit. It was half way done and you could see that she was including Loki's colors.

    "I thought you had a wife, how can you have a daughter?" You asked curiously.

    "Like I said, I like science. So when I was studying Asgardian biology, I figured out that women's eggs don't actually need a man's grossness to grow. We are much stronger than we think." She explained.

    "Fascinating," you exhaled.

    "The princes said the same thing," she laughed.

     "I'm going to go pick up lunch. Do you want anything?" You changed the subject.

     "Yes! Can you get me those tiny sandwiches??" She requested.

     "Of course, now I have to steal money from my fiancé." You laughed. You exited her workspace and looked down the winding hallway. Each doors was open so all you had to do was peak in as you walked by.

    Eventually, you found Loki. He looked absolutely stunning in a dress.

    "I need money, I'm getting lunch." You greeted him.

     "I'll come with you, the village is safe enough to go alone." He responded and shimmered off his dress and replaced it with his usual Asgardian leather.

     "Okay, Ila wants tiny sandwiches," you informed him as you exited the boutique.

     "She has been ordering the same lunch for centuries." He sighed.

     "For a scientist, she doesn't experiment much," you joked.

     "She is an excellent scientist, though." He assured you.

     "From what she's told me, she is making great improvements in Asgard's tech," you responded.

"Truly one of our best scientists in history," he added.


In my mind, I see Ila as the Asgardian version of Entrapta from She-Ra

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In my mind, I see Ila as the Asgardian version of Entrapta from She-Ra.
I'm gonna go clean my depression room so wish me luck!

Olivia <3

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