Chapter 23: Weapons

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"Your sister is crazy," Ila told Sienna once you and Thor found her.

"She's adopted," she replied sheepishly.

"Whatever, she has Loki and she has magic. Where could she possibly be?" You asked her.

"Well she could be back at our parents' house. She inherited it once they moved out,"

     "Great, lead the way." You pointed towards the city.

     "No ma'am, we are leading the way through back entrances." Jenna shook her head and wrapped her arm around Ila.

    "What, why?" Thor asked dumbly.

    "So she doesn't see us coming, now give me the address," Ila responded.

    "Right, its 5078 Ranch Road," Sienna informed them.

    "Perfect lets go," you commanded and led the group to the city.


"Couldn't you have picked a cleaner alley way?" You groaned in disgust as you dodged puddles and leaky pipes.

    "Sorry your majesty," Ila rolled her eyes and held Jenna's hand to help her cross over a large cloudy puddle in the dark brick road of the alley. The lamps that lined the wall were dim if lit and some flickered at the worst possible times.

    "I don't like this, ladies," Thor cried as he held on tightly to your arm.

    "Thor if you dislocate my arm, I will kill you," you threatened in a sweet tone.

     "Okay up here be ready to take a left," Jenna gestured to the the the fork in the road up ahead.

    "Are you sure you know where you're going?" Sienna asked skeptically as crept over tiny puddles.

    "I'm positive," Jenna assured her and guided the group to the left path that eventually faded into a light colored dirt.

     "This seems wrong," you whispered.

     "Have you no faith in us?" Ila sighed.

     "I have no faith because we are surrounded by dead trees, Ila," you shot back and pointed to the darkened trees with bare branches. Each step you took was announced by the sound of crunching coming from the dried up leaves.

    "Have faith friend, I'm sure these lovely ladies have some idea of where we're going. I remember these woods from when I was little," Sienna squeezed your shoulders in reassurance.

     "You guys are rich if you think I'm going into the woods," you retorted and eyed the deep forest cautiously.

    "We're not going into the woods, but we should arrive shortly at our destination," Jenna whispered.

    "I wonder what Heather is doing to him," you whispered sadly.

    "My sister can do little harm, she's awful with her powers." Sienna replied.

    "Plus, Loki is strong, he'll be ok," Thor added and draped his arm over his new girlfriend.

     "Will he be?" You asked nervously.

    "Don't tell me you've fallen for him," Thor's tone raised and his face lit up with excitement.

     "Thor he's utterly perfect, how could I not fall for him." You retorted as your face turned a crimson red.

    "I'm glad, this is good. Loki will finally have someone who can tolerate his antics," Thor exclaimed and pulled you into a bear hug.

    "Thor, I need air," you reminded him.

    "You're perfect for him," Thor sighed and released you from his grip.

    "Whatever," you whispered, trying to mask your smile that was growing wide on your face.

     "We're here," Ila announced and pulled back a branch of an overgrown bush to reveal a modern looking house made of gold and concrete. It matched the palace's style while managing to blend in with the city. You spotted a small pool on the deck that was joined by a sliding door.

     "We'll go through the back, Ila and Jenna you take the front. Here are some weapons." You unsheathed two silver daggers with jagged blades and short black handles. In the handles were shapes engraved in gold.

    "Thanks, good luck," Jenna carefully took the blade and admired it in her hand.

     "Be safe and for the love of the gods do not get any blood on the handles," you pleaded and waved them off as they tiptoed to the front of the house.

    "Come on, weapons up." You told your team. Sienna revealed a golden mid-length sword tucked in the backing of her dress while Thor summoned Miljoner.

    "Where is your weapon?" Thor inquired.

     "I am a weapon," you smirked and led them carefully to the back door. You felt your old powers come back quickly. Nobody wanted to be the god of deterioration so you learned to push those powers away; but they were definitely still there.


The Little Mermaid Two is just a repeat of the first movie

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The Little Mermaid Two is just a repeat of the first movie..

Olivia <3

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