Chapter 8

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"Stars," Violet groaned, "I really hate getting knocked out. But twice in the same hour? That's practically dancing with death."

She picked herself up off the floor. Allura and Coran were standing at the bridge, trying to get control of the castle. Rubbing her head, she limped over to them.

"I'm going to try and find out where we're headed," said Coran, typing onto his control pad. "Violet, see if you can do an energy scan so we'll know if the lions are nearby." He passed a holographic scanner over to her.

"On it," Violet replied, pulling up the screen. "Scanning."

"Coran, Violet! I can see the end of the wormhole," Allura exclaimed. "It's some kind of black void, and we're going to crash into it!"

"That's odd. The castle isn't registering the void. It's like there's nothing there," Coran reported. 

"Scanning complete," Violet informed them. "Voltron is nowhere to be seen. They've been hurled to the edges of the galaxy."

"Get ready - we're about to make impact!" Allura warned.

There was a thud as the castle made contact with the black void, and the room shook; Violet was hurled against a wall, slamming into it. Her vision spluttered, pain slicing through her head.

She groaned, fighting to stay awake. After a second, the pain receded enough for her to struggle to her feet.

Violet realized there was something wrong with her eyes. Everything was black, but there were two bright bursts of light standing by her, and the room was glowing blue. One of the lights was orange, and the other was blue and pink.

"I'm going to try and find out where we're headed," Coran's voice said - only it was coming from the orange light. "Violet, see if you can do an energy scan so we'll know if the lions are nearby. Violet? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong with you?" she asked. "You just said that."

"You did," the pink and blue light said, concerned. "We just crashed into a black void. Remember?"

"Like the black void we're about to collide with now?" Coran's light said. "That's odd. The castle isn't registering the void. It's like there's nothing there!" 

Allura gasped. "Coran, you're young!"

"What do you mean?" Violet asked. "I kind of can't see anything. Except the two of you. Mostly."

"You're blind?" Allura said. "This is bad. This is very, very bad. Get ready - we're about to hit it!"

There was a rumble and a crash. Violet braced herself as she was thrown into the wall. Again. This time she did black out, for a moment. When Violet came to, her vision was back, and she sighed with relief. The agony in her head, though, she could do without. As she got to her feet, she realized she felt different. Violet looked down at herself and almost screamed - she was Galra. Her skin was purple, her hair was darker than before, and her irises were yellow. Violet touched her face. Under her mask, her markings were gone.

"I'm going to try and find out where we're headed," Coran announced. He was now middle-aged, wearing a sleeveless shirt that showed off his biceps.

Allura blinked. "Coran, you're twenty again! I'd almost forgotten you were young once!"

"Every time we go through the void, time takes a day off," Violet said, her voice weak. "Coran gets younger and younger and I keep ... changing. You're the only one who's still normal, Allura." Allura turned to Violet and jumped back. "I know," Violet said before the princess could speak. "Hopefully, it'll disappear the next time we crash into the black void."

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