Chapter 4

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Acxa and Violet were sitting in the latter's room, hanging remade star charts out to dry. "Have you been making friends aboard the Atlas?" Violet asked her, clipping up a map of the Ardiane solar system. "The Cadets are great. Griffin's kinda edgy but he's cool once you get to know him."

Acxa frowned. "I don't need friends."

"I mean as teammates," Violet replied. "You shouldn't have to fight alone, not when you have all of these people on the Atlas to have your back." She reached for another map.

"You're right," Acxa said, folding a star chart and putting it in a neat pile with the others. "But I've been relying on myself my whole life. I'm not particularly inclined to start now." She sighed. "Not trusting others - working by yourself, fighting by yourself - it's the Galra way. As much as everyone else dislikes it, I am half-Galra."

Violet put her hand on her friend's shoulder. "I know, Acxa. I'm in a relationship with Keith, for stars' sake. And I've been learning to be part of a team myself. It's definitely hard. But it's worth it."

Her friend nodded, and they went back to folding and hanging star charts. "Oh, look!" Violet exclaimed. "I taught myself a new trick." She held out her hands and focused on the map of the Ulippa system in front of her, drawing her magic. A clear sphere of twisting gold strands formed around the piece of paper. Acxa knocked on it experimentally, blinking in surprise when she realized it was solid.

The ball of light evaporated, and Violet beamed proudly. "I've been practicing my powers. What do you think?"

Acxa's brows furrowed. "Definitely very ... handy. Magic space bubbles. Yeah."

"Oh, don't give me that look," Violet said, laughing. "These are awesome. I can use them for, uh ... floating things! Like socks! And if I can manage how to get one around myself, I'll be able to be underwater." She paused. "I'll have to hold my breath, though, because I'm pretty sure there's no oxygen in those things."

"So you still haven't mastered your magic?" Acxa asked, serious once more. "Can you control it?"

Violet blew out a breath. "Mostly. It certainly helps. I wish I'd had it when we were Lotor's generals - there are so many things I could've done. People I could've saved."

Her gaze fell. Acxa said softly, "Do you ever think about Ezor? And Zethrid?"

"All the time." Violet abandoned the star charts. "Mostly I feel guilty. For not trying harder to get them out. Sometimes it's like Lotor is still here, manipulating us and what we do. Whenever I make a decision, I think, 'is this something he would have me do?' and then I do the opposite."

"I hear his voice in my head," Acxa whispered. "Telling me to latch onto all the rage and regret. Mostly it's only in dreams, when I'm back in his ship, loading the teludav, and you come in and I point the gun at you. He tells me to pull the trigger. But I never do."

"I know you won't," Violet said, "Because you're not what Lotor did to you. You're more than that. You're the Acxa that turned her life around." She smiled. "Even though Ezor and Zethrid tried to kill us, I still hope they're free. Alive and alright. That they've turned their life around too."

Acxa nodded, her face grave, and it was at that moment that Veronica burst into Violet's room. "Vi, did you hear-" she cut off when she saw Acxa. "Oh. Am I interrupting something?"

"Yes," said Acxa.

Violet shot her a pointed glance. "Is something wrong, Veronica?"

"No." Veronica shook her head. "It's just - Shiro found a lead on one of the robeasts. He thinks he can track it. But we can't give up the pursuit of Honerva. He wants Voltron and the Atlas to split up."

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