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When George woke the next morning, he was still wrapped up in Dream's arms. And for a moment, he was happy.

Until he remembered all of the things he had said to Dream the night before, all of the things he had kept hidden that had been dragged out in the late hours of the night.

But he didn't regret it, because he knew it was for the best. Dream needed to focus on one thing, and that was his recovery. And so George would just have to be patient, and hope that Dream's feelings were real and would still be there when he was clean.

But for now, George let himself stay wrapped up in Dream's arms until the blonde started to wake, his hands moving to rub the sleep from his eyes, his arms stretching up above his head with a yawn.

George rolled away from him, a soft smile on his face as Dream looked down at him, his voice still rough with sleep as he said, "morning."

George saw that he had a smile on his face too, his arms moving to pull the brunette back into his arms. But he retracted back into his own space quickly, the smile fading and sending a pang of hurt and guilt through George's chest. And George knew he must have also remembered the conversation from the night before, George's sure words of wanting to keep their relationship strictly friends for now.

George sat up, climbing out of the bed quickly and awkwardly as he asked, "how are you feeling about everything, Dream?"

Dream sat up, his back against his headboard and his eyes cast down as he shrugged and answered, "I feel okay, I know I can do it."

George hovered by the edge of the bed for a second, his eyes still on Dream. As he turned to walk away, he heard the blonde say quietly behind him, "thank you, George. For everything. For coming home, and for pushing me to get clean. No ones ever really done that for me, so just know that it means a lot."

George turned back to face him, and Dream's eyes lifted to meet his with a soft smile as the brunette answered, "of course, Dream. I made you a promise, and I intend to always keep it. Even if-"

Even if we can't be together, even if we're only friends.

Dream nodded, knowing the words even if George couldn't speak them aloud.


The days that followed were difficult, just like George knew they would be. There were days where Dream couldn't seem to get himself out of bed; days where he was sick and nauseous, his hands shaky and his head pounding. And there were days where the pair fought nonstop, but George knew that Dream was just on edge, set off by the smallest of things.

And he also knew that they would get through the difficult days at some point, that at the end of all of this, there would be normal days; days where Dream would act like himself again, days where they could laugh, talk, and just enjoy each other's company.

Those were the days that George longed for, the days that would make the difficult ones worth it.

When they were about two weeks into Dream's recovery, George woke up one Friday morning to find the bed across from his empty.

He pushed himself up, rubbing his eyes as he looked around the empty room in confusion. As he went to reach for his phone, the door swung open, and Dream walked in carrying two coffees.

George's eyebrows were still knit together in confusion, his sleep addled brain not putting the pieces together just yet.

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