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George felt his phone buzzing underneath the pillow, the feeling pulling him out of sleep and into consciousness as he slid his hand under, fingers wrapping around the cold metal as he pulled the phone out. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, tilting the phone towards his face and narrowing his eyes as the screen lit up, showing a text from a number he didn't know.

He unlocked the phone, his eyes scanning over a message that read, "hey George! I'll probably head over to the coffee shop at around 10 am. Does that work for you?"

His eyebrows furrowed together as he read the message over a couple of times, his thumbs ready to type out a response of "sorry, wrong number" before he quickly deleted the message as the realization finally settled in. He had a brief flashback to the party the night before, to Wilbur asking for his number right before he had left with Dream.

Shit...Dream, George thought to himself as he felt the blonde move behind him. Dream shifted his body slightly, his arm draped over George's waist. George glanced back over his shoulder, but saw that the blonde was still sleeping peacefully, his hair falling in messy waves against his forehead.

Slowly, George managed to slide out from under Dream's arm, moving across the room quietly so as not to wake the blonde. George wanted to avoid any unnecessary questioning, and he certainly wasn't ready to deal with whatever had happened between them the night before.

He checked the time on his phone; it was just after 9 am, still early considering that George had no classes on Friday's and he had been up late with Dream the night before. But despite that, George quickly typed out a response to Wilbur.

George: Sure, sounds good! I'll see you there. :)

George closed himself in the bathroom, pulling off his clothes as he started up the shower. While he waited for the water to get hot, he looked himself over in the mirror, seeing that his body was once again marked with dark purple bruises, claiming marks left by Dream. His fingertips traced over the marks as he let himself relieve the events of the previous night, when Dream had been possessive, claiming George as his own in every possible way.

But he had only been acting out of jealousy, and George knew that well enough, despite the fact that he wished some of those feelings would remain even when Dream was sober.

George turned away from the mirror with a sigh, moving into the shower and letting the hot water run over his body. He quickly shampooed his hair then washed off, watching the sudsy water swirl down the drain as his mind drifted. As he was deep in thought, he heard the bathroom door creak open, and he stuck his head out from behind the curtain to see a still sleepy Dream standing by the sink, toothbrush in hand.

Dream flashed him a smile before saying, "morning, Georgie. I'll join you in a second, lemme just brush my teeth."

"Actually, I was just getting out," George responded with a laugh, reaching to turn the water off then grabbing his towel and wrapping it around his waist.

He moved past Dream and back into the bedroom, hearing the blonde call out behind him, "oh come on, George, you're no fun. I'm trying to save water!"

He rolled his eyes, smiling despite the conflicting emotions that he was feeling that morning. He heard the shower start up again, and used this time alone to quickly get changed and slip out of the room before Dream could finish.


As soon as he walked into the coffee shop, George's eyes fell on the tall brunette who was seated at a table for two near a window, sunlight casting a warm glow over him. He was deeply concentrated on his laptop screen, his eyebrows furrowed together in concentration; George thought he looked cute like this and he felt himself smiling.

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