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George paced nervously to the front of his parked car, his hands clenched in his pockets as he leaned against the front bumper. His eyes were scanning over the towering building in front of him, before dropping down and staying fixed on the glass door that served as an entrance.

He had only been waiting for about five minutes now, but each minute that ticked past left him with even more jittery nerves in the pit of his stomach, his heart beat pulsing quickly as he waited.

He took a slow breath, telling himself there was no reason to be nervous, but his thoughts were cut off in an instant, the nerves vanishing and giving way to something warm and familiar.

His face melted into a smile, his heart fluttering as his eyes landed on Dream, who was pushing open the glass door and stepping out into the sun. He watched Dream blink against the brightness of the afternoon, raising a hand to shield his eyes as he looked out over the mostly empty parking lot.

And finally, their eyes met, and Dream's face split into a massive grin, his hand shooting up to wave at George, who laughed to himself and waved excitedly in return.

And then they were both moving, closing the distance between them. As soon as he was close enough, George reached out, his arms wrapping around Dream's neck as he immediately jumped up and wrapped his legs around the blonde's waist, both of them melting into laughter and happy giggles as Dream spun him around a couple of times.

Dream's arms were wrapped securely around him, his face buried in George's neck as he said, "I missed you so much, George."

George closed his eyes, smile still on his face as he sighed happily and responded, "I missed you too, so much."

It was Dream's last day at the rehab facility, meaning that he had been away from George for thirty days now. He hadn't been allowed to have visitors while going through the treatment program, but he still called George every single night, where the two would spend as long as they could catching up on every little thing that had happened during their days.

And while George cherished just being able to hear Dream's voice, he had missed this more than anything. It almost felt too good to be true, to have Dream standing here in front of him, to be able to wrap his arms around him and hold him close.

After a few more moments, George unwrapped his legs, his feet coming to rest on the solid ground below him as he pulled back just slightly, still wrapped up in Dream's arms as he smiled up at the blonde.

Dream's green eyes were cast down to look at him, running slowly over every detail of George's face as if trying to commit it to memory, a soft smile on his face as he quietly said, "you're so perfect."

George giggled, rolling his eyes playfully. But he could feel his face warm, and he knew his cheeks were surely flushed a light shade of pink because Dream's smile only grew at the reaction.

Rather than respond, George pressed up onto his toes, his hand moving to the back of Dream's neck as he pulled him in and kissed him softly. He could feel Dream smile into the kiss, pulling George as close as he possibly could before they both pulled away.

George ran his fingers through Dream's soft blonde waves, his eyes following the movement as Dream asked, "are you ready to leave, George?"

George's hands stilled, the nervous feeling in his stomach flooding back in as he dropped his hands away and swallowed hard, his eyes meeting the blonde's as he answered, "yeah, sure. Let's go."

Dream held him by the waist a second longer, raising an eyebrow as he searched George's face and said, "is everything okay? You seem nervous all of a sudden."

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