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The voice jolted George from his slumber, his eyes cracking open just enough for fluorescent lights overhead to flood his vision, hazy slivers of a white hospital room appearing before him.

His hands moved to quickly rub his eyes, yawning as he pushed himself up in the maroon colored hospital chair, his eyebrows knit together in confusion as he searched for the source of the voice.

He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, his eyes lifting to take in the sight of Niki, concerned look on her face as she stood beside him.

George felt the disappointment collapse in on him immediately, a quiet sigh escaping from his mouth as he mumbled, "hi Niki."

He had hoped that it was Dream who had said his name, just as he had been hoping it for the past three weeks now.

But Dream was still lying in the bed, white blankets pulled over him as he lay there, still motionless, still in some far away place where George couldn't reach him, same as he had been for the past three weeks now.

Niki's eyes drifted over the mess of textbooks that were piled on the small table beside George, the notebook that was still open in his lap, the pen that had fallen to the floor when he dozed off.

"What is all this?" she asked him, the same worried look she'd worn for the past few weeks etched into her features.

"Oh," George answered quietly, his eyes flickering over the mess, "it's my homework...and some of Dream's. Wilburs been dropping it off for me, I don't want to fall behind. And I don't want Dream to be too far behind when he wakes up."

Niki sighed quietly, casting one more look over the clutter before letting her eyes rest on George, her voice soft as she began, "George-"

But George already knew what she was going to say, it was the same mantra that she had been repeating for weeks; that George needed rest, a good meal, to go home and sleep in his own bed.

And although the dark circles under his eyes were growing worse each day, the nervous jitter in his hands clearly evident, he would still refuse to leave. He couldn't leave, not when Dream was here, and not when he could wake up at any moment.

"Niki, I'm fine, really. I'm just a little tired, is all," George responded quickly, trying to give a smile that was reassuring, one that he knew she saw right through.

But she shook her head, her voice taking on a more serious tone as she said, "George, you look exhausted. Please, you need rest. At least go home for a little, maybe take a nap, have some real food."

George took a slow breath, running both hands over his face. A nap did sound good, and he hadn't had decent food in days, relying on mostly hospital food since Dream had been admitted.

But he couldn't bear the thought of leaving Dream here alone, the idea of him waking up in a strange room without George there was enough to keep him glued to his chair, his hand reaching out to clutch desperately at the blonde's hand.

He could feel the ever present tears pooling in his eyes, his voice quiet as he answered, "I don't want him to be alone, Niki."

He felt her hand on his shoulder again, rubbing soothingly as she said, "I know, George. I'll stay with him, if you want."

He looked up at her, a smile melting his face as he thanked her, letting go of Dream's hand as he stood to hug her. She squeezed him gently, her tone reassuring as she said, "it'll be okay, George."

He nodded, then quickly walked back over to Dream, leaning over and gently kissing his forehead as he muttered, "I'll be back soon, Dream."


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